Strip Poker

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After arguing with Rydel and Rat for about an hour, we still have to share a room.. but anyways Right now, were all playing strip poker... don't judge me, Were all drunk so I agreed.

"Haha, Ross shirt off!" Rat yelled at Ross and he rolled his eyes, taking his shirt off.

"Jen, my eyes are up here" he smirked when he saw me looking at him.

"Shut it blondie" I snapped.

"Calm down, Jenna, it's your turn" Rydel said.

I put down a, 3 and Ross threw down a king( BTW, I have absolutely no Idea how strip poker goes but it was perfect for this chapter)

"Ha, take your shirt off" he smirked.


"Why, it's not like I haven't seen it before" he said still smirking.

Ratliff started choking on his beer and Rydel started patting his back.

"That was 5 years ago... A LOT has changed since then..." I trailed off and started smirking back.

"Hmm.. I'll like to see those new things.." he said looking at me up and down bitting his lip.

"In your dreams disney boy"

"I'm not on disney anymore" he said glaring at me.

"But your still a disney boy.." I started smiling because I know I'm pissing him off.

"Just shut the fuck up, go Rydel" he snapped.

Rydel put down a king and Ross put down a queen.

"Ha, pants off" Rydel smirked. He took his pants off and threw them on the couch.

"Okay this is getting to revealing, we're going to bed" Rat said and grabbed Rydel dragging her upstairs.

"Still wanna play? Or are you scared?" Ross said taking Rydels seat that was in front of me.

"Of course I still wanna play"

"Fine, go"

I put down a king and Ross threw down another queen.

"Underwear off..." I trailed and smiled at him.

He smirked and took him boxers off like It was nothing.

I tried so hard not to look down.

"Come on.. you know you wanna look..." he said getting up and walking over to me.

"Ross isn't a 18 year old little Boy anymore... he's a man now" he whispers and nibbled on my ear.

I was bitting back a moan.

"A lot of things changed about me to.. and my body.." he said and started kissing down my neck.

"Ross.." I moaned when he hit my sweet spot and I felt him smile against my neck.

"Remember junior year.." he asked.


"Remember those nights when I made you moan my name over and over all night long.." he said and started kissing on my shoulder.

All I can do was nod.


"Hmm" he mumbled against my skin.

"Do you think if you ever had sex again, it would be the same?" I asked.

He laughed. "no"

"Why not" I frowned.

"We'll if we do ever have sex again, you won't just be moaning my name.. you'll be screaming it.." he said and pulled away from me.

"Do you wanna go to bed?" he asked and smirked.

I nodded and bit my lip.

He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and ran up the stairs and I just giggled.


Do you think they actually went to bed or did other things?..😉

Anyways, I decided to put this book in Jenna's POV and not Ross's and I'm sorry If it's short but I'm in a lazy mood right now. OH, and remember that their all drunk...

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