Going To London

167 18 6

"We'll we about to take off now, so I'll see you later" I say, then close the laptop.

Tanner can't come because he had to film the last few episodes of his show before he does the movie.

And I'm on the plane by myself, so that makes it even better!

"We are about to take off, so please have all electronics off and seat belts on!" the freakishly tall lady said.

I turned everything off and went to sleep.

~skip the plane ride~

"Excuse me, the plane just landed" I woke up to see a little girl no older then 6.

"Thank you, sweetheart" I smiled at her and she gave me a hug.

"Ariana, I told you not to get up!" someone I'm guessing her mother snapped at her.

"I'm so sorry for her bothering you"

"It's okay" she smiled at grabbed the little girls hand and walked away.

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the plane and into the airport.

"JENNA!!" someone screamed my name, and I turned to see Rydel about to attack me.

"Hey Delly!!" I said whiling hugging her.

"Oh my gosh, I've missed you so much!!" she said and then Ratliff walked up.

"Hey, now brunette Jenna... weren't you a blonde?" he asked whiling hugging me.

"Yeah, I dyed it" I said

"Oh there's Ross" He said and walked off to the direction I just came from.

"Please be nice" Rydel said giving me a look.


I turned around to see the blonde haired boy I'm in love with, I mean was in love with. He got a lot taller and he's buff now... I hate to admit it but Damn he looks good.

"I said be nice, not check him out" Rydel smirked.

"I wasn't checking him out, I was just seeing what he looked like" I mumbled and looked down.

When I looked back up, me was already looking at he with shock all over his face.

I turned away from him to Ratliff.

"Are we gonna leave now?" I asked

"Yeah, let's go"

I grabbed my bags with Rydels help and headed for the entrance.

When we got to the car, me and Ross put our bags in the truck.

"Can I please sit in the front" I begged Rydel.

"No, I said be nice and this is a start" she said getting in the passenger seat.

I sat in the back against the door, trying to not be close to him.

Then Rat started the car and drove off.

"So Jenna, how's dance?" Rydel asked and I saw Ross turn to look at me in the corner of my eye.

"Amazing, I'm a choreographer" I said whiling smiling.

"That's amazing, have you done anybody famous?"

"Yeah, I did Ariana Grande's- Problem choreography"

"Really?! That dance is sexy! Good job!" Ratliff said earning a glare from Rydel and I laughed.

"Tell me about this hot shot boyfriend of yours" Rydel said whiling smirking.

"His name is Tanner" I said and I can still see Ross staring at me.

"Mmm, What about you Ross?" she asked.

"What?" he asked

"How's the acting thing going?"

"Amazing!, I just got a role in a movie!" he said excitedly and I couldn't help but smile.

"I can't wait to watch it!, And what about this Chloe girl.." Ratliff smirked.

"Ohh, Yeah her name is Chloe..." he said and I turned to like at him, he looked really uncomfortable.

"Where here" Rydel said. And we pulled up to a condo.

"Wow, this place is amazing" Ross said getting out of the car and we copied him.

"I know right" Rydel said.

after we grabbed our stuff, we walked into the condo.

"Where's my room?" me and Ross asked at the same time and I turned to him giving him a glare and he did the same.

"See, I told you it wouldn't work, we need to do it" Rydel said to Ratliff.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Me and Rydel said that if you guys don't get along before we get to the condo then...."

I started to get scared.

'Then what?" Ross asked.

"You to have to share a room" they said together.

"WHAT!!" me and Ross yelled



Sorry that it's short, I promise the next will be longer and in Ross POV.

Goal: 6 Votes, 4 Comments

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