Twelve: Let Justice Be Done, Though Heavens May Fall

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The last thing I had expected was for the emperor in his most boastful clothing to burst through the door.
He was an interesting man. His square face was a peachy color, a goatee making his chin seem nonexistent. He had his hands gently on his hips, his body decked in felt that was trimmed by gold. Over his shoulders hung a fur-lined cape, surely made from endangered animals.
Galif's emperor seemed very much like a prideful fool, but he knew exactly what he was doing.
When he entered all in the room bowed to him, except for me. I'd like to pretend it was all for rebellion. And it was...mostly. It also kind of hurt to bow.
He seemed to take psychotic interest in my lack of respect. He stepped up to my cell, just close enough to not get burned.
"Not bowing?" He inquired.
"I'm gonna die anyway." I figured.
"Hm. That's what you think?"
The emperor gestured to someone I couldn't see and the field went down. It didn't calm my nerves at all, because the guards on either side of the exit held their guns in a ready position.
He stepped inside the cell, I backed up against the wall.
"I've been expecting you for a while. We all have."
"Yeah," I stated, "I kinda figured."
"You did, then?"
I clenched my teeth "I know your just gonna shoot me, so why are you bothering? Why take so much time out of your day just to tease some low-life before you kill them?"
"Maybe because I don't actually want to kill you."
His assistant placed a tablet in his hand and he looked me in the eye. "Did you ever count all the people you killed?"
"I never bothered." I said shamefully
He read off the tablet. "One-thousand, two-hundred and six."
I forced my eyes shut for a few moments. "That many huh?"
"Yes. You're a very decorated officer altogether."
"Was this all set up?"
"What for?"
"To see if you'd actually come."
"I'm gonna need more than that."
The emperor, the leader of our nation, started a story in front of the camera. "I told your parents to create a disease that would wipe out the Trena nation, without hurting the value of the land. The idea was to start a war and win it. You of all people know we would. Then we could claim the land and all its valuables. Unfortunately, they weren't as smart as I had thought them to be."
I clenched my fists, so wanting to grab the gun I was hiding.
"But then I learned of their daughter after she sent out a warning sign. The destroying of the lab was to push you to come. You risked a hell of a lot by coming here. I'm wondering why."
The emperor had a look of genuine interest in his monster eyes.
"I wanted to know the truth."
"I wanted to bring justice."
He chuckled "How?"
"Somehow." I choked "I don't know how."
He grabbed the camera on my collar and dropped it on the floor, crushing it beneath his shoes. I winced.
He grinned "Yet you did this anyway."
I searched the room for a clock. There was none.
"Shows dedication. I could use a worker like that." He snapped his fingers and a guard uncuffed me.
I pulled my hands forward, rubbing my wrist.
"There's a lot you don't know about the world, Olivia."
I scanned the door, mapping out my plan.
"Like the fact that there is a whole team of people whose job it is to investigate troubling things."
"Indeed." He paused. "You came here and proved one thing to me: That you are the perfect candidate for that job. It doesn't require anything that you are-" The emperor pulled up my prosthetic hand, bringing the arm with it. I tore away from him. "Unable to do." He sure was a fan of dramatic line delivery. "All it requires is brains."
I cracked my one real knuckle and straightened my shoulders.
"Would you like to join my team?"
I grabbed my hidden handgun and pointed it right at his head.
"Not until you have paid for your crimes."
The soldiers guns pointed at my head, but they wouldn't shoot, because I had a clear shot at the leader of our nation.
I backed out of the cell, keeping a clear view of the emperor's head.
"You made a mistake insulting my parents." I hissed.
I took careful steps back, up the stairs and to the door. I opened the door behind me and took a slow breath. In. Out.
In less than a second, I pulled down the gun, slammed the door and ran. It wasn't long before I felt a bullet hit my side, but I kept running.
I took a hard right and dashed into a nearby meeting room before they saw me do it. I slid against the wall in the corner of the room.
I touched my wound, shaking as my hand came away stained red. My vision blurred, filled with salt.
I was going to die, and it meant nothing. I had to set one thing straight.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket, my hand shaking. I pressed Hadley's contact and brought it to my ear.
The phone kept ringing. Fear arose in me, what if she never answered?
Eventually, Hadley picked up. "What is it?" She said, a little angry.
"I love you, Hadley." I whimpered. "I'm sorry I ever made you think otherwise."
"Wait? What's happening? Are you ok?"
"You're- the greatest person that I know. And- and I've wanted to kiss you since that night at the Kayline Market."
"Oliva! I love you too, but where are you? Whats- Are you-"
"Give your mom a call, she's been wanting to say sorry. And- please take care of Simon, he needs you. Don't ever stop being the amazing person you are. Goodbye."
"Wait! Don't hang-"
I pressed the end call button and let the phone slip out of my hand. I heard the chime of her trying to call back as everything else slipped away.

-. --- - / -.. . .- -.. / -... ..- - / -.. .-. . .- -- .. -. --.-. --- - / -.. . .- -.. / -... ..- - / -.. .-. . .

An empty battlefield lay before me. There wasn't a single sound, not of gunshots, not even of the wind in my ears.
John was there in front of me, we both wore our military uniform. He smiled at me and I did the same.
I heard a slow humming of the song that played that night. Violins and a soft piano. I hugged him tightly as the song picked up its pace.
He looked at me, leaning in like so many years before.
All around us were people I'd met. My parents, Hadley, Davids, even the two men from the pet shop.
I kissed John, this time it was a long and loving one, and when it was over everything disappeared. Everything except the battlefield.

I tried. I failed. But would I do it again, even knowing there was no way to win? A thousand times.
If in the end all I ever was, was a fly in the ear of a superpower, then let me be a fly. Justice is freedom and there is justice in truth. I will never stop fighting for it.
Even if I couldn't do anything, I couldn't not try.

I might never even make a difference, but I can't live another day accepting injustice.
Even if it kills me.

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