I sighed and clicked on the notification, seeing a new comment. It was the photo I just posted. Many people commented confused, some agreeing.

@mustafaaliwwe there's nothing wrong with your eyes, you're beautiful the way you are

I gasped reading the comment. When did he even follow me? I went back through my notifications, rolling my eyes as I missed it.

@mustafaaliwwe followed you

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

I looked up to see Mustafa standing in the door way of the locker room.

"It's nothing" I mumbled putting my phone away.

"It clearly is" he said, stepping into the room.

"You can't be in here" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"So walk with me" he said, holding out his hand. I took his hand and he lead me out of the locker room. We walked hand in hand past superstars, some didn't notice and others gave me funny looks. We were both in our ring gear, waiting for the mixed match to start after raw.

"So what's up?" He asked he as we sat in catering.

"It's just, the make up artist" I sighed. "Said I had difficult eyes as she kept screwing up my eyeliner." It was stupid.

He looked at me, leaning closer. "It looks good?" He questioned.

"I re did it" I told him, closing me eyes.

"Are you nervous?" He asked me.

I nodded without opening my eyes. We talked until it was time to head to the gorilla. We mostly talked about nothing, just random things.

"You ready?" He asked me as we stood at the gorilla, waiting for Finn Balor to finish his entrance.

"No" I whispered.

He looked down at me, confused.

"I'm scared I won't be good enough for you."

He sighed, waving at the person who told him it was his cue. "You are an amazing wrestler, and you will make me proud" he said, kissing my cheek before walking out. I watched him as he walked down the ramp, stopping half way.

"Calista your on" someone said before my music started playing. I took in a breath before I walked out, closing my eyes. I opened them again to see Mustafa waiting for me, his arms outstretched.

"We've got this" he said to me as we walked down the ramp. He winked at me before getting up on the apron.

You can do this.

I stood on the apron as Mustafa started. I didn't want to be tagged in, I was too nervous. Mustafa wasn't dominating and neither was Finn. They had being in the ring for nearly ten minutes. Mustafa held his hand out to me as he crawled towards the ropes. I held my hand out but before he could tag Finns dragged him back by his ankle.

"Come on Mustafa!" I yelled out to him after he got kicked in the chest. What happened next was a blur but his hand touched mine and I was tagged in.

Bayley was slow to get in the ring, but I didn't wait for her. I gave her clothesline after clothesline, super kick after super kick. She was tiring but stunned me with a kick to the midsection. I stumbled feeling like I couldn't breathe. She was yelling for something, but I couldn't hear.

"Calista!" Mustafa yelled to me. I looked over at him as he mouthed "are you okay?"

I wasn't sure.

Her back was till to me as I stood, making Mustafa smirk. My stomach and side hurt so much, but I had the finisher. Just as she turned around, stunned to see me on my feet, I hit her with hardest kick I could, getting her on the jaw. She fell to the ground and I fell on top of her, pulling her leg up.


I held my stomach and sighed as the match was over. My body was pulled up and my hand raised in the air. Mustafa stood next to me with a smirk on his face.

"Knew you could do it" I just smiled at him.

Mustafa took me to the trainer as soon as we walked up the ramp. No one had time to congratulate us as Mustafa was basically carrying me. He stood beside me as the trainer checked me over.

"You've got bruised ribs" he told me. "You're luck they're not broken."

I looked over at the man I was starting to like and knew what I had to do.

"Mustafa" I said. "We can't see each other anymore" I rushed out of the trainers room, leaving him standing there.

The Affair // Mustafa AliWhere stories live. Discover now