Chapter 1

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Please read this!
As English is not my mother tongue there are going to be many mistakes, both of grammar and misspelling, so please, excuse me and correct me if needed. Thank you! I hope you're going to enjoy it as much as I did while writing it.

In a place, not so far away in time from us, there was a woman, and this woman's bizarre destiny.

She was running as fast as she could. Her breath was accumulating in white clouds under a roof of naked branches. She could hear the heavy stomping behind her back, but she could not and would not have stopped to look how far from her was that thing. She didn't know that part of the forest and she was mindlessly going forward hoping to find a place to hide in.

Her lungs were crushing under their useless effort to pump some more oxygen in the blood. Those steps were getting faster and stronger but her adrenaline was fading out and, with that, the last strengths she had in her body. Her legs were giving up and her sight was getting darker and darker the more she pushed forward. She took a turn on the left but her numb legs forced her to put a hand on the rough bark to steady herself the minimum to not fall down. The only things she could hear were her whistling heavy breath and the stomping, so heavy and so fast she knew she was almost caught.
Her nose was full with the smells of the forest while the cold air scratched her nostrils.

A hand grabbed her by the hoodie, pulling her back and making her body smash on the ground with a piercing scream, while another metallic one broke the tense atmosphere:

The woman sat up immediately, making her colleague jump back at her sudden movement, almost making him trip on his greenish suit, which would have then be transformed in an horrible monster by the computers - Finally - she stated out of breath, trying to slow down her pulse and starting to clean her hair from the dirt that got caught up inside it after she was pushed on the ground. They had been rehearsing that single scene for the last three hours but the director was never happy with it, you don't look scared enough, he repeated many times. But in that last one she was so tired, sweaty and messed up she sure looked like it.

She got up slowly, her muscles screaming in pain, her back and arm hurting for the fall and her breath still not even.
- Oh my, I'm so tired I'm going to pass out - she mumbled - Aaron! - she screamed to her manager, one hundred meters further down in the wood with the rest of the crew.
Her colleague had already joined them, finally making her understand the difference between a person who trained to become stronger and one, like her, who did it to look good.
- Go and get the car ready, I need to rest! - she continued screaming, noting happily that the man, after a moment of hesitation, immediately obliged.

She wobbled forward, cleaning her teenage clothes from the dust. She hated acting as a teenager, at her age she obviously looked more like an adult woman, but of course, showing the reality rarely paid off well. The public wanted to see 17years old girls with perfect skin and curvy body, forgetting the pimples, the flat boobs and ass, straight hips etc.
She was wondering in her thoughts when a sudden cracking sound on her right caught her attention. She turned her head and she froze.

Her eyes swung open with terror in front of those three gigantic creatures bearing their teeth at her, with low growling sounds.
She took half a step back, not knowing if running would have triggered their hunting instinct or if staying there, immobilized, would have caused the same ending.
- Oh, fuck - she murmured, not knowing what to do. She had never seen a wolf in real life, but she never thought they were so big and frightening. With their long winter furs, yellow eyes and canines as big as her pinky finger, they stood there, observing and smelling her with their snout in the air.

They took a couple of steps in a circling motion around her, and she stiffened. That was obviously a predatory attitude, to leave the prey without any possibility of fleeing. The nearer they came the better she could see the details, the dark spots on their fur, or the light ones, or how they looked soft. Or, more importantly, how incredibly threatening they were becoming. She slowly took some steps in the opposite direction.
- What to do what to do what to do what to do... - she kept repeating in a low voice.

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