"52 breaches in Central City, and the biggest one just happens to be in our basement," I say.

"We need a name for it," Cisco says as I roll my eyes.

"It's not a pet, Cisco."

"No, it's a wormhole," Stein says and we turn around to see him here,

"Professor Stein, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Your blood pressure is 147 over 82! You could pass out again," Cait says.

"Oh, it's merely a few points above the 140 average for someone my age," Stein replies. "Besides, I have some ideas I would like to contribute to this discussion, Dr. Snow."

"And I want to hear them," Jay says. "This isn't just a wormhole. It's my way home."

"Back to Earth Two," Cait states.

"Jay, you really think that we can use this as some kind of bridge from your world to ours?" Barry asks.

"Zoom uses the breaches. Why can't we?" Jay says.

"We don't know how," Cisco says. "Everything I put through just bounces back."

"If Zoom's using these breaches to transport people from Earth Two, maybe it takes a speedster," Barry says. He then runs back.

"He's not gonna--" Cisco starts.

"-Yeah, he is," Me and Jay respond casually as Barry runs into the breach. He then is pushed back and falls on the ground.

He looks up from his place on the ground and says, "Maybe I'm not fast enough." I go over and help him up.

"I don't believe your speed is the entirety of the issue, Barry," Stein says. "It might be the breach's stability or lack thereof."

"He's right," Jay says, "We need to think of the breach as a door, and on Earth Two, there's another door. In between, we have a hallway, but the hallway's constantly shifting, twisting, collapsing upon itself."

"And the doors keep moving with it," Barry says.

"So we stabilize the door-" Cisco starts.

"We stabilize the hallway," I finish.

"And then I can jump through it," Barry says.

"Exactly, it would serve as a kind of cannon. A speed cannon," Jay says.

"Mm," Cisco turns to Jay. "We should hang out more."

"All right."

"No more tests today. All of you are leaving now, as am I," Stein says as he leads us all out. "Cherish the gift of youth as I will go cherish my much needed nap. Clarissa's already on her way to pick me up."


"Don't you think you should tell them about those visions you've been having?" I ask, as I walk into Cisco's Lab. He's working on something, his back facing me.

"Don't you think you should tell them about how you're supposed to die in a year or two?" He retorts making me freeze.

"You know?" I ask.

"Yeah. I heard you and Wells talking in the pipelines," He says. "How do you know?"

"I heard you and the Professor talking," I say. Cisco then stops what he's doing and turns around in his chair to face me.

The sad expression on his face makes me come over and hug him. We pull away and he says, "I won't tell if you don't."

"Cisco," I say. "This, Whatever it is- as long as you're safe, I don't care if you keep it a secret or not. But if this is hurting you, we need to tell them."

"I- it's not. I just need to figure out what this is myself before I tell anyone," He says as I nod. "So how can you die?"

"I don't know," I say. "I'm not supposed to be able to. And apparently there was someone like me in Earth-2. Jay said she died from a poisoned arrow."

"So, however you die, we know it's not from a meta. It's from the past... Meaning someone from your past not someone from the past," He says. After some thinking he says, "Maybe the League. You said something was making your skin burn."

"Wells did want me to look at what that was," I say. "I don't know. I'll look into it when I get time. Did you find anything about the visions?"

"Besides that Wells made me into this? No... What if he made me into a monster?" Cisco asks.

"Hey," I say softly. "Whatever this is, we'll figure it out together."


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