Chapter 9- Spider-Man Has Returned

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"Out of the way," (F) shouted, pushing Jiro from the range of a blast. This blast had come from the Shocker, who seemed to know who he was when the (H) haired tried attacking him. When (F) had pushed Jiro out of the way, he launched his body into a rolling motion through the air, where he narrowly avoided the shocking blast.

"I can't lie. You've got some nice moves. That won't save you every time though," Shocker stated as he charged in for more physical attacks.

"Go! I've got this!" Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Kamanari all just stared at (F)'s current predicament.

"Are you sure you have this," Yaoyorozu asked?

"Yes! Now go!"

After a moment Yaoyorozu led them away leaving me to fight on my own. Allowing (F) to focus more on taking care of the Shocker

Turning my attention back to the fight, the (E) eyed male stopped a right hook, catching it before it hit.

"Woah! Did you get upgrades? Where did you get this kind of tech? This stuff is amazing," He spoke, examining the tech quickly before jumping over Shocker and landing a kick straight in the center of his back. He was sent forward a good distance before he caught himself, using the shockwaves from his quirk.

"A tech wiz huh? Then I can assume you made those on your own," He spoke gesturing to the gauntlets that (F) had originally designed.

"Mostly, they got a few upgrades from the school, but other than that yeah, I made them myself with junk from dumpster diving," He explained waiting for a strike to come flying his way. "Why are you here? Were you arrested after fighting Spider-Man? Did these villains break you out of prison? Or did you come here on your own free will?"

"I came here for you! You were the cause of my failure! You're why I didn't make it into this school," Shocker shouted, charging forward, blinded with rage.

"Look pal, this isn't worth it. Living a life of crime will not make this any better. You can still back away now," (F) yelled, jumping around avoiding blasts that would come flying his way. At this point he had been completely ignored. The Shocker was far too focused on seeking revenge. "Okay fine. You want to be a criminal that's fine, but I won't let you hurt my friends," (F) shouted as he darted into the fight, taking a few hits in the process. Though when he finally reached physical range, (F) launched in a roundhouse kick which struck The Shocker, knocking the wind out of him. Grabbing hold of his clothing, (F) threw him into the air where he fired cables from the upgraded gauntlets he had designed. These cables detached, leaving The Shocker to hang from them with no way to get down.

"Stick around."

"Oh, I see it now," the Shocker laughed.


"I've only lost to one person."

"Oh man, I think you need to go back to elementary school," (F) joked.

"No. the first time I lost to you, your moves looked so familiar, then the other night, I fought Spider-Man. You both have the same moves. The same body type, the same eyes. You. Are. Spider-Man," the Shocker grinned under the ski mask he wore.

"I don't know what you're taking about, but whatever you can believe what you want. Oh, and you may want to brace yourself, because those cables will break. They aren't really designed to hold so much weight," (F) darted off. Searching for the rest of the group he had been teleported with, he found everyone, fighting against a group of villains that left them heavily outnumbered.

"I am here," the (H) haired male yelled jokingly, dropping into the battle, kicking back a few villains. Starting his battle, he took note of the fact that Jiro had been using a blade that had most likely been created by Yaoyorozu. While (F) had been fighting off more villains than he could take, Jiro had been using Kamanari like a shield. Pushing him into enemies where he would then shock them with the barrier of electricity around his body.

Yaoyorozu on the other hand was watching (F)'s back, trying to make sure that he would be safe by throwing various tools into the mix, taking down villains left and right. Though she didn't know that (F) didn't necessarily need all that much help due to his amazing reflexes and Spider-Sense that kept going off constantly. However, they all reached a point where it was becoming very difficult to fight off enemies. Especially for (F), he was being surrounded since they decided to focus on him due to his ability to weave in and out of their attacks. Then just as (F) was about to get seriously hurt, Yaoyorozu had used her quirk to cover herself and Jiro up, where Kamanari had dispersed an electric charge that shocked most of the remaining enemies and (F) in the process. However, the (E) eyed male had activated his own quirk to avoid being taken down by the discharge.

Breathing heavily, (F) grinned, looking around him to find that most of the enemies he had just face were taken down. Though when he found himself going to thank Yaoyorozu, he soon realized that her already revealing clothing had been torn up when she used her quirk to create the tarp to protect her and Jiro from the discharge. Quickly looking away, (F)'s face was bright red, knowing that he had just seen a girl's bare chest exposed to the open air.

"We should get moving. I doubt that the others are doing just as well as us. Let's move and get to the others before," (F) was cut off when a large boulder had been sent through the air. The boulder crashed against the armored male, effectively crushing him between the ground and the giant rock.

"(L)," Jiro and Yaoyorozu both shouted! After having created new clothing for herself, Yaoyorozu dashed over to the boulder, hoping to try moving it to have no luck.

Kamanari currently had no response due to his over use of his quirk leaving him struck dumb. (Literally). Taking Kamanari hostage, the villains prepared to finish everyone off. Though everyone stopped in their tracks when the boulder began to shake. Then it began to lift into the air. From beneath it (F) slowly made his appearance with the visor on his helmet being cracked. This left everyone in utter shock, they all questioned how he lifted the boulder, but then it was thrown again, crushing a villain between the stone wall of the nearby cliff.

"Did you think I'd go down that easily," (F) shouted?

Everyone began to fight once again, except Kamanari. Dancing through each villain, (F) battled the hardest he'd ever done in his life. Then at the moment he wasn't expecting it, the (H) haired male received a hard uppercut, sending him a good distance away from his group. This strike had also knocked the helmet from his head. Crashing against the ground, the armor (F) wore took heavy damage, making it almost useless to him. So, as soon as he stood, he removed it all, only it wasn't what everyone expected. Instead of wearing his normal clothing he wore the original Spider-Man suit he had worn when he made his hero debut.

(F)'s classmates being shocked, the villains only launched until they were all webbed up faster than they could react. Each enemy sat webbed to the ground in a cocoon-like webbing, while Yaoyorozu and Jiro were completely shocked, having thought that Maguire had been Spider-Man this entire time.

"So, you've been Spider-Man this whole time, and you made us think it was Maguire," Jiro muttered.

"That was not my intention. Though right now seriously is not the time for this, we need to find our classmates before someone seriously gets hurt," Spider-Man explained. Having tapped his webbing button three times on both web shooters, the web cartridges flung out, allowing the masked male to reload on his webbing. Taking the empty cartridges, he placed them in small compartments he held on his waist.

"(L), is right, we need to go," Yaoyorozu spoke.

"I'll take Kamanari, you guys go after everyone else," Spider-Man stated as he grabbed hold of Kamanari and threw him over his shoulder. "Now is the time for everyone to become a hero."

Spider-Man blasted himself into the air, holding Kamanari over his shoulder, hoping to keep him from combat. Then something went wrong. The Spider-Sense was set off. Spider-Man turned his head for a moment, finding that debris had been thrown at him, this forced him to throw Kamanari, firing webbing to catch him. That's when Spider-Man was knocked from the sky.

Crashing against the ground, Spider-Man groaned in pain, finding himself beneath a humanoid creature.

"You've got to be kidding me. This has to happen every time doesn't it," Spider-Man groaned.

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