Chapter 29 - Christmas Dinner With The Wheelers Part 1

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Mike's POV:
I'm glad that El and her dad are coming here for dinner. I never really knew how everybody fit in my house for dinner. A lot of people are coming over.

It's going to be me, El, Dustin, Lucas, Will, Max, mom, dad, Holly, Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, Lucas's sister Erica, the parents of all my friends, and that is a lot of people in one house.

They are all supposed to be here in fifteen minutes. My mom wants us kids to be in the basement eating, so the adults can eat upstairs at the table. It's completely weird if you ask me.

"Mike!" My mom yells from upstairs.

"Coming!" I yell and run upstairs.

"Everyone is about to be here, so go put on some nice clothes." My mom says and I grunt, I make my way upstairs and put on a plaid button-up shirt, jeans, and Nike shoes.

I walked back downstairs again, everyone was already here. How long was I changing? Where is El? I walk around and find her talking to Dustin, Will, Lucas, and Max.

"Hey, guys." I walk up to them.

"Hey, Mike." They say in unison.

"You guys want to go to the basement?" They all nod.

"But first we have to get Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve." I walk to the living room and see them three talking.

"Guys, we have to go to the basement." Nancy sighs, but stands up along with the other two.

They walk with me to the basement. Now all of us except Holly and Erica are with us. They won't come down here anyway. Holly thinks the basement is haunted, and Erica will stay by her.

"What do you want to do?" I ask everyone. They all say something, but I didn't understand any of it.

"How about a game?" Nancy suggests.

"Yeah!" Almost everybody say.

"What game though?" Steve says.

"Never have I ever?" El suggests.

"Yeah, let's do that." We all agree. Everyone holds up 10 fingers at the start of the game, if they did the what the person says, that put a finger down, and so on.

"Okay, who goes first?" I ask.

"I'll go." Nancy says. "Never have I ever... snuck out at night." Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve put a finger down.

"Never have I ever... kissed somebody." Everyone put there finger down except Will and Dustin.

"Never have I ever... punched somebody." Jonathan and Steve looked at each other and put a finger down each.

"Never have I ever, got grounded." Me, El, Nancy, and Max put a finger down.

"Never have I ever... drank alcohol." Nancy, and Steve put a finger down.

"Time for dinner!" My mom yelled from the top of the basement.

"Coming!" We all yelled and scrambled up the stairs. All of the adults were sitting around the table. We all grabbed plates and silverware. I put turkey, mashed potatoes, and corn on one plate, and fruit salad on another plate. We made our way back downstairs, and we ate our food there. Everyone devoured there food in less than ten minutes. Even the girls ate fast, almost faster than Dustin. And that is saying something. Not that they're fat or anything, because they are really light for their age.

Anyway, everyone was sitting somewhere on there phones. It is really boring with everyone on there phones being inactive.

"Who wants to leave the house?" I ask looking up from my phone. They all raised there hands, still not looking away from there phones. I took that as a yes and walked up the stairs, with them following behind.

"Mom, we are going on a walk, call me when it's time for desert." I tell my mom as we walk out of the house.

"Okay, bye." My mom answered. We started walking down the street, we were in sort of groups while walking. It was me-Will, Dustin-Lucas-Max, Jonathan-Nancy, and El-Steve. I know it's weird that El is walking with Steve and not me but I can't say that she can't walk with him. Steve is pretty cool.

"Is it weird that El is walking with Steve or is it just me?" Will asks me quietly.

"It's a little weird, but I can't do anything about it." I say back and he nods.

"What do you think they are talking about though?" He asks.

"I don't know, maybe life?" I shrug. El starts to laugh out of nowhere. Will looks at me and furrows his eyebrows. I shrug again and we both look at them.

We all walk to the playground and sit on the marry go round.

"Who's going to push?" Dustin asked while trying to get comfortable on the marry go round. It's quite impossible to get comfortable on this thing, it's just an old hunk of metal.

"Steve will!" El said, Steve looked at her and gave her an 'are you serious' look.

"Thanks, El." He chuckled and started spinning it. It started to go faster and faster, than Dustin flew off. Everyone started to laugh, as for Dustin... he groaned in pained. But he sat up and walked over to me.

"Your turn, Mike." He grabs my shoulders for support so he won't fall. You see, I wasn't on the death contraption, I was watching them almost die on that thing.

"Pshh yeah right, I'm not going on that thing." I respond. I was pretty set in my decision, that is until the girls were giving me a "please" look. I shook my head once more.

"Please, Mike!" El whines. I sighed and got on next to Jonathan. Steve started to push it and he ran faster, I was holding on tight and my knuckles started to turn white. The girls started to scream from how fast Steve was going. Us guys were quiet the whole time, not wanting to look like wimps in front of the girls.

Steve stopped spinning and Jonathan and Lucas jumped off and landed on there feet. Nancy was looking at Will and I, we both shook our heads.

"Go, guys." Max interjected. Will and I looked at one another and shrugged. We stood up and jumped about five seconds later. Will landed on Jonathan and I just missed Lucas.

"Whooo!!!" The girls cheered. El jumped off and hit Steve. He caught her but he fell back, which caused everyone to laugh. Even Steve was chuckling. El on the other hand... she was sprawled out on him and groaning in pain. I ran over to her and picked her up. I thought she was actually hurt but she started to laugh. Pretty soon, I did too. If someone walked by and saw us all laughing at nothing, they would probably think that we were on drugs or something.

My phone started to ring, I took it out of my pocket and it was my mom calling. I answered and she told me that desert was ready.

"The pie is ready!!!" I shout and everyone stops laughing.

"Pie!" Dustin shouts and everyone started walking back. We were walking with the same people that we were with when we walked here.

Hi my name is Jared and I'm 19 and I never fucking learned how to read. Thank you for reading, please vote and comment! Stay tuned for the next chapter...

𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 ~ 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon