Chapter 14 - Quarry

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Els POV:
I still can't believe that Mike gave me a hickey... I never thought he'd do that. It's not bad, it's just surprising.

Anyway, I know that Mike likes old looking things, considering that he has old Star Wars toys and dinosaurs. So since he likes playing games too. I've decided to get him an Atari. I hope he'll like it.

I need to look for a dress for the Snowball. I was thinking either a blue dress or a pink one. I've already decided on the shoes, it wasn't a hard choice. I am going to where white converse. Converse are awesome.

I will curl my hair and use very little makeup. So maybe just lipgloss and eyeshadow, nothing too crazy. Yeah, I'll like this dance.

I went to sleep after Mike walked me home. I know that it was only like 7 o'clock but I was tired. At least I didn't have any homework.

My dad just said that it's fine that I skip dinner, he saw that I was tired. I wasn't lying, I really was.

Slowly, I walked upstairs and walked into my room. My room wasn't small but it wasn't big either. It was a good size for someone like me. My walls were blue and pink, I had a bunch of random emoji carpets.

My bed was queen sized and had a bunch of rainbow pillows. I flopped onto my black blanket and hugged one of my galaxy pillows.

Then I remembered. Do I have makeup to hide the hickey? I got off my bed and walked to my vanity immediately looking in the drawers for foundation or something. I found a concealer stick and rubbed it on the purple spot and it covered it up completely. I sighed in relief and went into my bathroom to take a long hot shower.

The shower was amazing. I didn't even bother to wash my hair, body, or my face. I took a shower this morning and I was just too lazy to do it now. So I just stood there, soaking in all the hot water and relaxing. I didn't want to stand anymore. I turned on the bath and shut off the shower.

I grabbed one of my bath bombs and put it in there. Now I feel good and smell good.

This is the life.

I looked at my phone and it said 11:30pm. Reluctantly, I got out of the bath and got dressed in the sweats and shirt that Mike gave me. They still smelled like him, I haven't washed it since I wore them.

I dove into my bed and turned on my tv. I put on Netflix and watched Friends. I drifted off to sleep halfway into the episode.

I woke up around 11:00 and my eyes widened. I need to get ready to go to the quarry! I jumped out of bed and put on the concealer for my 'bruise'. I decided to stay in the clothes from last night, because well... They're comfortable. To top it all off, I wore my '2D' sweatshirt, he's from the band Gorillaz. I threw on my white converse and ran downstairs.

My dad was already up, he made me breakfast. I quickly ate it and told him that I'm going on a walk for a little while. He kissed the top of my head and told me to be careful.

I walked out and ran to Mike's house. As I was about to knock, Mike already answered the door.

"Hi, El, I was just about to go get you." Mike said smiling.

"Hey, Mike, well, I already got you." We both chuckled and walked to his bike. We both got on and rode to the quarry. We were forty-five minutes early and so we just sat there.

We were sitting toward the end of the cliff but far enough so we don't fall off. Mike picked me up and set me in his lap. He just smiled at me, Gosh his smile.

"I'm coming in." He said before kissing me. Of course, I kissed back, I put my arms around his neck and his arm around my waist. He put me on the ground and he kissed me again. He was now in top, but he wasn't crushing me.

His tongue went into my mouth and... explored? Is that the word for it? I don't care. It felt good though. He left my lips and trailed down my neck. He just kissed my neck, not sucked on it. Which I was happy for. Maybe a little too happy though. I let out a moan, when he hit a certain spot.

He just giggled and kissed my lips again. I flipped us over, which was hard to do since he's not as light as he looks. But I did it. I straddled him and kept kissing him. I tried to repeat what he did but I failed. He started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I sit up and look at him.

"It tickles, you're cute." I blush and chuckle too.

"Hey, you can't blame me for trying." He kisses me again, It wasn't long but it was short and sweet.

"What time is it?" He asks, I look at my phone and it was 11:45.

"We have fifteen minutes till they get here." He nods and looks at the water. He grabs a rock and throws it over the cliff. It made a splash about fifteen seconds later.

"That was a long drop." I tell him and he nods.

I all of a sudden hear a bunch of voices. I look around and see Lucas, Max, Will, and Dustin, all on there bikes riding toward us.

Mike and I both stand up and walk toward them.

"Hey m, guys." Will waves at us.

"Hi, Will, hi guys." They all said hi and sat on ground where Mike and I were previously sitting.

"Okay, so what did you guys want to talk about?" Dustin asks us. Mike and I look at each and back at them. I take a deep breath, getting ready to tell them.

"Okay, well it's been two days." I start off the explanation.

"And it started off really complicated." Mike continued.

"Mike thought that I liked you, Will." I look at Will and he looks down and smiles. What the heck?

"But, Will, I like you as a friend." He looks up with a sad expression but he nods. What's going on? "Anyway, Mike threw a tantrum and wasn't talking to me for a while. That is until I said that I liked him." Mike smiles and looked at me.

"Anyway, long story short, El and I are together now." Mike blurts out. All of their eyes widen and they smile.

"I ship it!" Dustin yells along with Caleb.

"MEL IS REAL!" Max shouts. We all laugh but Will is staying quiet. What's wrong with Will? I think to myself. I'll talk to him later to see what's wrong.

We all soon end up throwing rocks into the quarry and yelling random things, but Will is still quiet.

Mkay, I started watching Sex Education again, and that girl that Otis ran in to, she looks like Margot Robbie! I know it isn't her but she looks a lot like her! I'm really liking it so far, but I stopped halfway through so I can write this, I need to finish editing it. Thank you for reading, please vote and comment! Stay tuned for the next chapter...

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