Chapter 7 - SnowBall Fight

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Mike's POV:
No one seemed to notice that El was wearing my clothes, not even her dad. It's weird because it doesn't look like how she would dress.

Anyway, I went home and saw El getting out of her truck, we waved at each other. Then her dad picked her up and carried her like a baby. I laughed and walked inside my house.

"Hi, Mike, how was school?" My mom asked me. I walked to the kitchen, that's where she was.

"It was good."

"I didn't see you this morning for breakfast, did you leave for school early again?"

"Yeah, I wanted to ask Mr. Clarke about an assignment." She nodded and continued to make dinner. I walked upstairs to my room.

I saw El's clothes on my bed, she must've forgotten them when she changed her clothes. I pushed them aside and sat down.

I grabbed a book off my shelf and read for a little while. I decided to read 'Fallen Angels', this would be like the tenth time I've read it, but it's a good book.

I looked out my window after reading a few pages, I saw El laying in her roof. I walked to my window and went on my roof, too.

I waved at her and she waved back.

"Hey, El!" I yell and she giggles.

"Hi, Mike!" She yells back, god I love it when she says my name. We lied back down and just looked at the stars. I started to play with the necklace that she found today. This will forever remind me of her. She's eleven and I'm eight.

About a half an hour later, El sat up and looked at me.

"I'm going to go inside now, my dad texted me it's time for dinner!" She yelled and right as she yelled that, I got a text from my mom saying that it's time for dinner.

"Me too!" I yell and she giggles again, I love her laugh.

"Bye, Mike!"

"Bye!" I crawled in through my window and she did the same. With one last glance, we looked at one another and waved.

I closed my window and walked down to the dining room. Everyone was already there, I took a seat next to Nancy.

For dinner we had chicken and rice. At least it was something different. I finished quickly and went back to my room.

I flopped myself onto my bed and picked up my phone. I had an Instagram notification.

ElbunnyHopper started following you.

I smiled and followed her back. Not even a second later, I got a text from her.

*Text Conversation*

"Hey Mikey!"

"Hey El!"


"Nothing, just laying here. Hbu?"

"Same lol. Well I just wanted to say Goodnight, so night! See ya tomorrow!"😘

"Night, see ya."😘

*End Of Text Convo*

She sent me a kissy face?! She did! I did it back! I don't know why I'm so happy, I think I'm starting to like...But I don't think she likes me. I hope so though!

I fell asleep about ten minutes later.

Woke up at 7 am again and got dressed. I wore black jeans, a blue 'American Eagle' T-shirt, and my usual Nike shoes. I threw on a black Gorillaz sweatshirt, I walked down stairs for breakfast.

I quickly ate my eggos and ran outside to my bike. I got outside and saw El walking over to me.

"Hi." She jogs over to me.

"Hi, El." She smiles which makes me smile.

"Do you think you can let me ride with you to school again? My dad left for work early."

"Yeah, but you need to ask your dad for that bike." She nods.

"I know, I know." We get on the bike and go to school.

I put my bike in the wrack and we walked into the school. We did the usual but this time we decided to walk around the school, since it was snowy and white.

El had on gloves and a hat so she wouldn't get cold, as for me I only had a beanie on, and a thin sweater. I wasn't going to complain to El though, I don't want to sound like a wuss.

"It's so cool out, I love the snow so much!" El jumps in the snow. I smile. She laughs and falls onto the snow, she started making a snow angel.

"Come on! Make a snow angel with me." She throws snow at me. I lay down next to her and start moving my arms and legs. It starts to snow harder, which means we are getting covered in snow. "Eww, my sweats are getting wet." El sits up, laughing. I sit up too and help her stand up.

"Want to have a snow ball fight!?" El grabs snow and pores it over my head.

"Oh, it's on!" I grab two hands full of snow and throw it at her, the snow is so powdery and soft. She laughs and throws more at me. She starts to run so I sprint after her.

"Come on! You can't run forever!" She laughs and trips onto the snow. She turns over and I tackle her back onto the snow.

I'm now on top of her and we stopped laughing, we are just looking at each other. I start to lean and she does too. We get closer and closer then....


I dump more snow on her and she laughs. I get off of her and we start to walk back to the school.

El sees Max and she runs over to her, I do the same with Will.

"Hey, Will." I walk up to him.

"Were you with El? And why are you covered in snow?" He asks me, getting suspicious.

"Yes, I was with El, and we were having a snowball fight." He eyes me suspiciously and nods slowly.

We walk into the school and we got there right when the bell rings. My eyes widen and I run to my locker to get my Science book. I grab it and run to class. Luckily, I was the first one there, I grabbed our volcano and put it on a table, ready for us the work on it again.

Everyone started to walk in, El and Will walked in laughing at something. They were close together. I got jealous when I saw them.

I tried to brush it off but I kept eyeing them closely. We continued to work on the volcano and ended up finishing first in the class.

My name is Bond... James Bond. That's what I'm watching when editing this lol. Thank you for reading, please vote and comment! Stay tuned for the next chapter...

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