Sodapop Patrick Curtis

2K 27 34

Birthday: October 8, 1948

- 16 years old, almost 17

- never reads books

- very understanding person

- happy-go-lucky; always grinning

- stays out of trouble

- restless; can't sit still

- has a lot of energy

- "movie star handsome"

- little slimmer than Darry

- sensitive, reckless, thoughtful

- dark-gold hair; long and silky

- brown eyes (has his father's eyes)

- looks like his mother, acts like his father

- parents died

- sympathetic

- unique

- doesn't drink

- can make anyone grin

- isn't afraid of Darry; enjoys teasing him

- works full time at the DX; happy working there

- dropped out of school (only passed auto mechanics and gym)

- school bored him

- always defends Pony

- gets in drag races and fights a lot

- wanted to marry Sandy

- always buys Ponyboy bottles when he visits the DX

- used to ride in rodeos

- had a horse named Mickey Mouse; "horsecrazy"

- best friends with Steve since grade school (never fought)

- was only mad at Steve once; when Steve called Darry "all brawn and no brain"

- smokes only to calm his nerves or for when he wants to look tough

- "Most of the time you can't shut him up or fill him up."

- gets bored easily of the same things

- eats his eggs with grape jelly

- likes chocolate cake for breakfast

- makes sure there's always chocolate cake in the icebox every night or else he makes another one

- puts too much sugar in the icing for chocolate cake

- drinks chocolate milk

- crazy about chocolate stuff

- not so innocent

- huge bragger, but never about Sandy

- nicknamed "Pepsi-Cola" (father's pet nickname)

- eats like a horse

- "The first one up has to fix breakfast and the other two do the dishes. That's the rule around our house, and it's usually Darry who fixes breakfast and me and Soda who are left with the dishes."

- likes fights

- started shaving when he was 15

- can do acrobatics

- always takes Pony with him and Steve when they went places (without girls)

- '"Soda's more like them Southern boys"' (manners and charm)

- got jailed with Two-Bit after "doing mid-air flips downtown sidewalk, walking on their hands, and otherwise disturbing the public and police."

- never been beaten in a fight

- "Soda never grasped the importance Darry and I put on athletics. Like he never understood why we went all-out for studying."

- always asks for the mail when he comes home from work

- "-but I knew he would throw his jacket toward the sofa and miss it, take off his shoes, and go into the kitchen for a glass if chocolate milk, because that's what he does every day of his life."

- doesn't like shoes

- always tries something different (food); "One time we had green pancakes."

- "if you've got a brother like Sodapop, you're never bored."

- would always listen to Pony, no matter what he's doing

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