Chapter 2 - Mansion

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"Can anyone tell me in what year Alexander Hamilton died?"

My hand immediately shot up

Charles sighed and tried looking around to see if other people had their hand up. Nope, just me

"Fine, Y/N?"

"The exact date is July 12 in 1804"

"That's correct, but I knew you would get that one"

You were currently in history class, learning about Alexander Hamilton, but it was a very easy subject for you, since you saw the musical (just pretend you have, because I didn't and I'm still sad)

You dozed off a little until someone tapped on your shoulder

"What is it Ororo?"

She said nothing, but just pointed her pen towards the door. You turned your head and saw your uncle standing in the doorway. You quickly looked towards Charles who just nodded

You packed your stuff, picked up your bag pack and walked towards your uncle

"Hey butterfly"

He said as he wrapped you in a bear hug

"Hi uncle James, what are you doing here?"

"I need to ask you a favor, but I will tell you outside"

—Time skip brought to you by America's favorite fighting French fry—

You were walking in the garden, waving at a group of new mutants

"So I need a favor"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. What do you need?"

"As you know, I'm going to Hawaii next month"

"I am well aware"

"I was wondering if you would like to watch my shop for one week, you can keep the money that you earn"

Your eyes lid up and you did a little victory dance

"Wait, are you serious?"

He laughed

"Of course I'm serious"

"Oh my god!! Thank you so much!!!"

You said as you jumped in his arms

"And I got you an early birthday present!!"


"I'm already in Hawaii by the time it's your birthday, so I want you to have it now"

He grabbed a medium sized package out of his coat pockets and handed it to you

"Open it"

You smiled and opened the (F/C) box

When you opened it you saw another box. You laughed

"A box, thank you"

Your uncle started laughing to and gestured for you to open that box too.

You nodded and opened the box, just to reveal a rectangular object, wrapped in silver wrapping paper

You ripped the paper off and smiled at the sight in front of you

(If you already have this, just pretend you don't)
It was one of the original Grease DVD's. You held it close to you and sighed happily

Your uncle didn't have a lot of money, since his store doesn't pay very well. Ever since your aunt died, he hasn't really been the same. He likes to take care of you just like you're his own daughter. You don't really see him that much, since he's busy with other small jobs so he can get as much money as possible

And so we meet again (Quicksilver X reader)Where stories live. Discover now