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Dan: hey phil

Phil: What do you need Dan?

Dan: why do you think i need anything maybe i just like texting you;)

Phil: Ugh.

Dan: fine ok i was looking over the assignment rules and stuff and it seems like we actually kinda need to know each other

Dan: i know nothing about u

Phil: Fine fine ok. What do you want to know?

Dan: hmmm uhh hobbies, siblings, taken or single, favorite band, favorite song, favorite food, etc.

Phil: Wow are you just going to stalk me at this point?

Dan: definitely not djkddkdk

Phil: Sure sure ok. Well first off I have an older brother. He's alright. Uhh I'm not dating anyone. I like to paint. I like twenty one pilots a lot. My favorite song is uh probably Western Kids by Hippo Campus. I also like ice cream.

Phil: Sorry I typed that weird, was just writing what I first thought of. How about you?

Dan: you intrigue me phil. so i have a brother, he's younger. i like to play basketball. i love troye sivan and my favorite song is fools by him. i really enjoying eating popcorn.

Phil: Not good enough.

Dan: wdym not good enough i wrote about myself that's all there is

Phil: First off, you didn't answer if you were single or not and there has to be more to you then "i like basketball,"

Dan: fine

Dan: i just broke up with my girlfriend like an hour ago and there is nothing more. i like to play basketball, that's all there is to me

Phil: oh jeez sorry didn't meant to bring up the break up. my bad.

Dan: it's ok. i choose a bad person. she never really loved me.

Phil: Dating is weird.

Dan: very true.

Dan: i just need to try something new

Phil: Yeah.

Phil: Can I ask you a question?

Dan: sure

Phil: What do you mean by 'try something new'?

Dan: so i dated her because of labels. it was nothing genuine. i want a connection with the next person i date. i want more than what i had.

Phil: Cool cool cool.

Phil: Sorry, need to head to work, text you later?

Dan: sure

Dan: have fun;)

Phil: shut up.

texting au's are so fun 🥰
i have so many good ideas about this story I'm excited.
be ready for constant updates woah who am I?
bye for now hope you're enjoying this:)

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