Beauty and the Beast

Start from the beginning

I followed the bouncing speaking candle up multiple winding staircases, checking out my surroundings in the process. I was now somewhat over the shock of the candle, but when a moving clock came into view and started to speak with the candle, I just about fell down the stairs. 

The clock screamed, and I did too. After that, it was pretty normal. when we reached the top, I noticed in the cell was the hunched over figure of my father. I got up close to the bars, and my father did the same. We talked in whispers, my father warning me of the beast and telling me to leave, and me refusing to go without him.

The world seemed to freeze when he arrived. he was easily three feet taller than me, and he was covered in wine red fur that was completely out of place. His brown eyes were dark with hatred, and a sneer was engraved on his face. He was hideous, and he knew it as well as I did.

"What are doing here?" His words dripped with malice as the creature leaned closer to us. His voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard, but it was far from high-pitched. 

Bravely, I stood up, facing him as best as I could.

"Release my father," I demanded. the creature snorted; it didn't take me seriously.

"Master Karma," Rio started. "May I suggest you have the boy trade places with his father? He obviously won't leave without him, so why not propose that instead? You have a captive, either way."

"Aaaaand," Kayano, the clock, added. "He's waaay younger, if you know what I mean." Rio looked about ready to strangle her.

"Whatever, I don't care, but people better stop invading my home, or you're all dead." The beast said as it stalked away.

I traded places with my father, and that was the start of my life in captivity.


My life with the beast wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Naturally, he hated me at first, but that was expected. Rio and Kayano were sometimes the only thing that stopped him from killing me at times. Once he warmed up to me, it was all little gestures and acts of kindness. I'll admit, he's still hideous, but I've gotten used to it now.

It struck me as odd that a beast would live alone in such a giant castle, but when I would ask Rio, she would only shake her head and tell me she couldn't say. We got along well, the beast and I.   After you got passed the gruff attitude, he was quite sweet.

He promised me his immense library. The walls were lined with rows upon rows of books. I thanked him again and again, but it never seemed to be enough.

He complimented my sharp tongue, something that always got me  in trouble back at home. We were almost living like a family.

That is, until I broke the biggest rule. From the beginning, I was warned not to ever enter the west wing, where the beast's chambers were located. Not only did I enter, but I touched the rose that was placed in the middle of the chaos. I was drawn to it, and it resulted in something that made my heart hurt. He banished me from his lonely castle, never meant to return again. I ended up leaving on the horse that I rode here, with tears in my eyes.


How funny it is that I returned later that night. Part of me was overjoyed, but the other part knew that I wasn't there to see him again. My father, how I love him so, had told the village of the beast, and Asano had decided to slay it, along with the other town's folk at his side. I was returning to warn the beast, and to try to stop Asano.

By the time I had reached the castle, though, I could already see that they had arrived. The villagers were fighting the furniture, yelling and waving torches as they did. But up on the roof of the crumbling castle, Asano and my dear friend were fighting.

I ran up as fast as I could, dodging falling pieces of things as I went. Once I reached the top, I could see them fighting to the death. Neither were winning, but the beast-no, Karma, was clutching the side, of the slippery shingles. Asano held a sword in his hand, ready to deal the killing blow, when I ran into his side, making him fall over. 

Karma quickly pulled himself up, and walked over to us. He was about to push Asano off the roof, but Asano grabbed me and pulled me close to him. Karma stopped dead in his tracks, fist raised but frozen in midair. 

"Push me off, and he goes to!" Asano screamed. Karma shuddered, slowly trying to calm himself down. I tried to break free, to go over to him and help kill Asano. I stopped trying to get out, and Asano slowly opened his arms and let me escape. Fool. I shoved my elbow into his side, and ran over to Karma, who lurched to grab Asano's throat. He narrowly dodged, and grabbed his sword. 

He got him in the leg, stabbing through to the other side. Karma howled in pain, but managed to successfully grab Asano. He staggered over to the edge, and Asano started writhing in an attempt to save his life. Karma looked at him with pitiless eyes, while I stood there in awe. Did we win?

"Goodbye." Was Karma's last word to him, before opening his hand and letting him fall.


Karma slowly limped over to me, blood seeping out of the sword wound. I held my arms open for him, letting him fall to his knees and slump over.

"This is pathetic... one little cut and I'm in such pain? Stupid..." I heard him mumble. I smiled; he really was an idiot. Without thinking, I kissed the top of his head. Then it hit me: maybe I loved the idiot. That didn't seem to bad anymore.

I felt him shift, and suddenly he seemed a lot smaller. He lifted his head, and his amber eyes met mine. It took me a few seconds to realize he was now human, around six feet tall instead of eight.He, unlike the beast, was charming and handsome, and when he smiled at me, my face lit up and turned a thousand different shades of red and pink. His hair was lighter,now more like a ruby red, than before.

He brought his face closer to mine, our lips almost brushing. I stared up at him, waiting silently for his next move.

"You did it," he whispered. "You broke the witch, Irina's spell." It all made sense now. A spell, cast by the wicked witch, turning him into a beast, one that could only be broken if someone else loved him back. I smiled.

"I suppose I did." Our lips met in the middle, enjoying each other's company, and feelings.

"Hey, up here! They're up here!" Rio's voice interrupted us, and Karma pulled me closer.

"Glad to see you well again, Rio. I was almost scared for a second that you wouldn't show up." I looked over, but instead of a candle was a girl, with long blonde hair.

"ah, your majesty. Glad someone could get through your fowl attitude." Rio bowed.

"M-majesty? I'm so confused. Why is she bowing?" I looked up at Karma, hoping for answers. He only smirked.

"But of course- you didn't think I was some peasant boy, did you? And in case you hadn't noticed, I live in a castle. Kind of a dead giveaway, don't you think?" I scowled and hit my fist against hi chest. He chuckled, and kissed me again. I kissed back. 

"I don't think I've said it yet. I love you."


2555 words

Wow, even with like, zero detail and a million timeskips, it's still my longest one shot yet. I did this based on memory, so I apologize if it's not "accurate". This was suggested by Reve4gem, because I have zero ideas and I practically begged them. If you have any ideas, please tell me! Thanks for reading,


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