Yang: My hero~. You deserve a reward later tonight~.

Y/N: Actually, your whole team is in trouble. Along with JNPR. So... I know I may be a student, but both of your teams... follow me.

I lead them out of the cafeteria, and into the front courtyard.

Y/N: From this moment until I see fit... you're all under punishment, and I know how to punish.

Blake: Yeah, he does~.

I walk over to Blake, and I stare into her eyes.

Y/N: Just because I'm your boyfriend... does not mean I'm not gonna discipline you for your actions... while Oz may say you were having fun, destroying a cafeteria... IS NOT WHAT I SEE AS FUN!!!

They all flinched from me yelling. Even Pyrrha hasn't seen this side of me before. They looked scared.

Ruby: W-what are you gonna do to us?

Y/N: I'm glad that you asked. Where I'm from, typically punishment is cleaning the entire Wall in The Last City. But, we're not at the Wall, we're not even on Earth. I miss my home, but I made this place my new home. So... as punishment... you will be doing a physical training routine designed to push your bodies to your utmost physical AND psychological breaking point. YES NORA, THIS WILL BREAK EVEN YOU DOWN!!!

Nora looked shocked from this since she thought there wasn't anything that could top her strength. I saw this, and I looked her dead in the eyes.

Y/N: We may be friends, but from now until the end, I'm basically your drill instructor. This... will not be easy.

They all looked at me, and I stood a fair distance away from them.

Y/N: So... to start, you will all do three sets of 100 push-ups, three sets of 100 squat jumps, three sets of 75 leg lifts, and after that, you will run 25 laps around the campus. AM I CLEAR?!?



They all started, and right off the bat, they seemed to be doing pretty well. After the squat jumps, I brought out training uniforms for all of them. They slipped into them despite being out in the open.

Y/N: You may be wondering why I made you change out here... WELL THE ENEMY WON'T GIVE YOU TIME TO CHANGE ANYTHING!!! NOW KEEP GOING!!!

They kept going, and I can tell Weiss, Blake, Ruby and Jaune were reaching their point. I pulled them aside, and sat them against a tree to let them breathe.

Y/N: I meant what I said about reaching your breaking point. This will leave you sore in the morning, and probably a few days after.

I stood up, and I saw the others still going. I was amazed that Yang was still in this, and even Nora was sweating like hell. Ren managed to keep his cool despite how hard he's pushing himself. They finished their reps, and they collapsed onto the ground.

Y/N: Two minute break, and then I want those laps.

Yang: Why are you doing this?

Y/N: Well, while I admit what happened was all in good fun, you still wrecked the cafeteria, and upset Glynda. And nobody upsets Glynda and gets away with it.

Pyrrha: You know... if you think about this... this is extreme training for elite students.

Y/N: Glad you're paying attention, Spartan. You get points for learning.

Nora: Why does it have to be this hard though?

Y/N: Because people will want to see you break, and I wanna see that your breaking point be raised higher than their expectations.

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