Chapter 1: The Lonely Spirit

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Within the Fox World or whether the Realm of Gods, sat three entities as they watched the world below them.

Sora: The world of man will come to ruin by the darkness of their hearts. We must save them before that...

Shiro: Should we? I mean humans have shown nothing, but pride and such. Ever since these powers... These Quirks, Sacred Gears, and Semblance came into existence, they've shown only greed and arrogance. Even the Devils have the bulls to call themselves heroes.

Sora: Perhaps you're right, but let us save those whose hearts are innocent. Such as him...

She points to a small figure in the forest. A sad sight especially for someone so young.

Sora: The poor thing. Having no one to care for him.

Senko: I shall go. I merely have to remove their anxiety, yes? Then it is simple. I shall go!


In the forest near Taiyo Village, a small spirit wanders. Very young as he chases a firefly around a tree.

The spirit soon catches a red ball nearby and picks it up

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The spirit soon catches a red ball nearby and picks it up. He sees a group of children, who came to find their ball. He kindly gives it back only for the children to run in fear. Left alone in the dark, he fell to his knees and cries, holding the ball close to him. A flash of light shined behind him as a woman with a fox-like features appears out of nowhere.

 A flash of light shined behind him as a woman with a fox-like features appears out of nowhere

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Senko: You're poor thing.

She kneels down as he scoots away. 

Senko: It's okay. No need to be afraid. I won't hurt you.

She opens her arms wide and pulls him to a hug once he came closer. The spirit felt warm and snuggled against her comfortably.

Senko: Oh! How rude of me. I am Senko, a divine messenger that has lived for 800 years. In other words, I'm a Kitsune. 


AUTHOR NOTE: Kitsune - commonly known in Japanese folklore. Kitsune are depicted as legendary foxes who are intelligent beings, possessing paranormal abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. According to Yokai folklore, all foxes have the ability to shapeshift into a human form. While some folklore speak of Kitsune employing this ability to trick others - as foxes in folklore often do - others portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives.

The Fruit Warlord (spinoff): Child of a Fox GoddessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt