Chapter 27 - Christmas Eve And Caught Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Mike?" Someone yells from outside my basement door.

"Come in!" I yell back. Nancy walks in and sits next to me on the couch.

"We need to talk." She says and looks at me.

"About what?" I ask.

"About El and you."

"What about us? I just had this talk with Hopper."

"It's not like that, she is your girlfriend?"

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend."

"And you didn't bother to tell me?" She snaps.

"Why would you want to know?" I snort.

"Because she is your first girlfriend."

"Yeah, so?"

"So? Not just so."

"What else?" I say annoyed.

"How far have you guys got?" She whispers.

"What are you talking about?"

"How far have you guys got?" She asks again.

"Like kissing?" I ask. She nods like I'm dumb.


"Why would want to know about that?" I ask.

"I want to know."

"Fine!" I say and she smiles.

"Tell me, from the beginning."

"Okay." She scoots closer and I roll my eyes.
"Well we met at school, I showed her around the school. She started to work at the library with me, I started to like her. I assumed that she liked Will, because I saw them hanging out and laughing. I confronted her about it and she said she didn't like him, she said she like me. Dustin came and found us at the library and took us sledding. I walked her home and we stopped in the middle of the road, I kissed her. We became closer as the days went by. Then..."

"Then what?!" Nancy asked impatiently.

"Then, I took her up to my room to do something, I don't remember what. And we ended up kissing again, but this time..."

"Spit it out!" She said.

"We ended up on my bed and I got carried away and—."

"What do you mean carried away?"

"I tried... taking her shirt off." I mumbled the last part.

"What?!" Nancy said surprised.

"Yeah, and she thought I was trying to do it with her and we got into a fight but it quickly ended. These visits went on for a couple days, and we all decide to go to the family cabin for a day. There were a couple girls and they were all dumb. One of them kissed me and El saw this happen, she was mad and didn't talk to me for 2 days. So I decided to annoy her at school and that got us both detention. That was the day of the dance. El told me to prove it to her that I was sorry, so I did by asking her to dance in front of everybody on the microphone. She danced with me and I told her I loved her, she said the same thing."

"Then?" Nancy asked eagerly.

"Then I went to visit her today, we frosted cookies for the first couple minutes then we went up to her room. We started kissing... on her bed... And then Hopper opened the door. You see, I had my shirt off so it looked really bad. He yelled at me, threw me at the wall, dragged me down the stairs and threw me in the snow. Hopper said that we can never see each other again. El came over a few minutes after I left and we fell asleep down here. Then Hopper found us, he talked to me about El and then he left. I now get to see El everyday once for 2 hours. The end."

"Wow." Her jaw was dropped.


"How did you remember all that?" She asked.

"I don't know, but I'm glad that I remembered everything."

"Well, thank you for telling me everything." She said and stood up.

"That's it?" I ask.


"Okay, well thank you for listening, it felt good to tell someone." I sat and she nods.

"Anytime, Mike." She leaves and I sit back down on the couch. I later doze off and before I know it, I'm out cold.

I hate my mom sometimes 🙄 I told her I felt sick last night, and I felt like I had to throw up. Then she cut me off and just about asked it I was throwing up to lose weight. Of course I'm not. I hate that always assume things like that. I wish I can just move out already. Anyway, thank you for reading, please vote and comment! Stay tuned for the next chapter...

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