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After accomplishing in letting the evil rule Gotham it still wasn't enough for Jeremiah. He wantednto be the king of Gotham and he was that. He made sure no one got in his way. He wanted to give everyone left in the city that weren't villains that one bad day his brother told him about but he was mostly focused on Bruce as normal. Jeremiah seemed like his brother but he wasn't. He was controlling. You were the only one he most trusted but you knew you had to cut ties with him because of his plans. Jeremiah was focused on Bruce at the moment or that's what you thought. It seemed his focus shifted to you. You were heading to your place but you took a safe short cut through an alley. " Well well looks like someone finally decides to show up." Jeremiah said and walked out of the darkness. He had a gun in one of his hands. " You thought I would never find you. You can't be completely dumb." He smirked and tapped his gun against his thigh. " Look I'll just be quick. You can't just leave or stop helping me I decide that and you know I'm not bored of you yet so you can't leave." He said looking around a bit before looking back at you. " Did you forget that I rule this city." He chuckled a smirk painted on his face. " Now its your choice. To leave which you surely won't be leaving here alive or you continue to help me. Now whatca say?" He said and pointed his gun at you. You?

//Without Me by Eminem//

Jeremiah seemed to vanish after the city because a place where only villains owned the city. He would contact you but after that he would go silent for a week or so. As soon as news got to him that a new villain rose Jeremiah soon got the attention back on him by going after the butler of Wayne. Jeremiah wanted all the attention but because of 'Bane' his attention wasn't much but because of that he had more time to plan. You noticed that Jeremiah seemed only focused on Wayne and getting attention. You went to go talk to Jeremiah since he asked for you. Jeremiah did trust you but he didn't know if he should trust you with a plan he was gonna tell you about. After showing you the plan Jeremiah wanted to see what was your opinion on it. You..
//you can choose what the plan can be//

𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒔 || 𝑮𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 & 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑱𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒂𝒉Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora