"Just my tummy" (Peter Parker)

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●Peter's Pov●

It was a sunny day, with the birds singing and the sun raising, and...

His Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman curled in his bed at the Avengers Compound, for a simple stomachache.

'You are so weak, you can't stand a simple stomachache' I thought to myself

I saw the clock and it was 6:30, I have school.

I groaned and decided if to stay in bed or wake up. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Pete, it's time to wake up... or do I have to call Loki?" I hear Tony said in a teasing tone, because everytime I don't want to wake up or I am in a too deep sleep Loki is the only one that can wake me.

"N-no" I kind of said, more like hissed. I feel like crap.

"Kid? Are you ok?" Tony said entering the room

At that I stood up quickly and my stomach twisted, I tried to avoid putting my arm protectively around it.

"Y-yes" I said, or kind of whispered, not looking  him at the eyes.

"Are you sure Peter?" Dad said in his dad patented voice

I looked to the window "Yeah, I-I am s-sure"

Tony frowned "Pete look at me in the eyes" he said

I recluctantly look at him in the eyes "You know dad, it is late I am going to change now" I tried walking past him and grabbing my clothes going directly to thr bathroom, when my stomach made a flip. I almost made it, but Tony grabbed my arm.

"Peter Benjamin Stark, look me in the eyes and lie to me" Tony said and his eyes softened.

"I am fine, dad" I lied directly at his eyes.

"Ok, but if something is wrong call me" he said

I quickly went to change, but my stomach flipped and I went to the toilet and puked. When I was sure I was done I flushed it and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked awful after vomiting. I was pale and I felt drained. I washed my face with some water to return my color, when I was satisfied I went out and with my bag I went directly to the stairs. I went down and met my family.

"Morning guys" I tried saying happily, but was accompained with a hiss.

"Peter? Something is wrong?" Aunt Nat said eyeing me suspiciously

"N-no" I said

"He has been like that since I went to his room, to wake him up" Tony said

My stomach twisted, when the smell of food invaded me.

"Pete, come to eat" Cap said signalling a bunch of pancakes. My eyes were wide for a milisecond and returned to normal inmediately, but uncle Bucky and aunt Nat noticed

"I-I am gonna eat something on my way to school" I said trying to avoid Nat's and Bucky's gaze

"Oh" Steve said a little shocked, but let it slide

"Hey little brother, do you wanna watch a movie later, I want to watch The parent trap" Wanda said

I smiled, but turned to a grimace when my stomach lurched forward "S-sure, well I am late bye" I said trying to run to the door to meet Pepper there

"Hey Petey, going to school?" She said

"Yes" I whispered

"Are you ok sweetie?" She said worried

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