oh, this bitch again...

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"HOODIE IT WONT FUCKING FIT!!" Masks shouted. "YOU SLUT MAKE IT FIT" Hoodie spat back. The where making a puzzle, when all of a sudden an un-invited guest barged into the room. Jeff. "ARE YOU TO FUCKING?!" Jeff screamed at the top of his lounges. "Wait, Tim, you were fucking me? We could have put away the puzzle." Hoodie said as he looked at tim. "Wanna fuck now then?" Masky said shrugging. They then started making out on the floor. Jeff was still there, he felt slightly unwanted. Normally he would record this... But he kinda used up his memory on pictures of Tobys butthole. So he just left.

While Jeff was walking away, he noticed a shine of light come from Tobys room. Jeff, being the curious bitch he is, went to check it out. Oh what a mistake that was... he opened the door, and looked around obviously. In the corner of the room, was this shitty lamp and it kinda got on Jeff's nerves so he went to turn it off. Then Toby jumped him and shoved him in his butthole. "Now off to find more unsuspecting victims" toby said taking the lamp and placing it in E.Js room.

Laito was wondering around looking for his jeffy weffy, he decided that if he wanted to find jeff he would have to lore him out, he knows how much jeff loves mirrors and killing little cocksucking whores so he combinded the two. He tied Yui to a tree and stuck a mirror to the other side. He assumed the mirror was a bit faulty cause when he looked into it an ugly fucking monster stared back. Must have been because it was cheap 😆. He then hid in a nearby bush and waited, he had to rub himself in moss and stuck leaves with mud to him to make him look more bush-like. But after he sat down the fatigue had hit him, hes been so busy these last few days he had barely had any time to himself, and when he did he was jacking off! So there with all in sight being yui and a faulty mirror, nothing was going to turn him on. He fell asleep.

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