What are you doing here?!

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-Alyna's point of view Monday morning-
I got everything packed and you might be wondering what happened over the week end well after dinner I made Gray drive me back to my house and I complained about everything to Victoria and not that I'm completely packed I head to the air port.
-After the plain ride at her mothers-
I hug my mom "Ahh I missed you!" I scream "I missed you too Lucifer now come on and let's get fucked up!" I smile so my mom we go to a nice little breakfast place and we order a rum and coke we sit at a table and wait for our order "So honey got a lucky (cough,cough) not so lucky someone?" I smile "Umm ya kinda" "Kinda?" She asked "Ya I mean it's a little bit of a difficult relationship but he's handsome niceish sexy just (dreamy sigh) god damn I love him" I cover my mouth after what I said d-do I love him? My mom smiles and says "Were going to need another drink and tell me more about this sexy hunk" I smile and start telling her everything about him except for the contract or the sex obviously but at the end of the convo we ordered another drink and I really think my mom likes him she excused her self while she went to the bathroom I heard a buzz and took out my phone to see Gray text me saying "Another one?🍸" I looked at it confused my mom sat back down and asked "What's wrong Lucifer?" I look at her and say "Mom Grays here I don't know where but" I was cut off as Gray should up saying "Miss.DeFrouscio nice to meet you my names Gray, Gray Fullbuster" He says while shaking her hand she smiles and says "Ohh my god what a surprise you see this honey?" She says gesturing towards Gray and his body "Yes mom yes I see him" I say taking a big sip of my drink this is going to be a long day.
-2 hours later Alyna's point of view still-
IT WOOOOOOOOOOOOONT EEENNNNNNNNND!! It's just draggin on him and my mom have been talking for two hours and I have not been included o was head bobbing u know resting your head on your hand and your falling asleep so your head slipped that's happening to me "All right well it was very nice to meet you Gray but I must be going Alyna's little brother Joey won't stop spamming me about pizza well by" she comes near me and kisses my head saying "He's a good one don't mess this up love you" and leaves thanks for the pep talk mom Gray looks at me while I try to take another sip of my drink he takes it out my hand and sets it in the table saying "I'll let that one slid" I look at him with anger in my eyes "What are you doing here? I came to visit my mother so why did you have to come and ruin it?" I ask "We are not even a couple" I add after a minute of silence "I came here because I want to do something fun with you" "What do you mean?" I smiles and holds out his hand I smile but look slightly confused at the end I still grab his hand and he leads me out of the breakfast type place and go out side I see a nice black Honda he leads me to the front passenger side of the car and opens the door for me Huh he knows what manners are I sit get comfy and he closes the door he walks around the front of the car and goes into the driver side then the car ride starts.
-1 hour later still Alyna's point of view-
I end up at a type of air port I have no idea but their is a smile one person air plane very small and has a thick cord at the tail of it connected to a glider plane behind in, in the front Gray goes over to someone who I assume is a pilot they talk for I minute and Gray come toads me he takes my hand and leads me to the glider for two. The next thing I know I'm strapped in with Gray directly behind me then the plane that's attached to us starts going with in the next few seconds it's off the ground and we soon follow (play music now) once a couple thousand feet in the air Gray say to the guy in front of us on his head set to let us go he did and he nosed dived we slightly nose dive and do a spiral "Is this more?!" I hear Gray ask in the head set "Yes so much more" I say with a slight scream at the end from the drop.
-Later after the flying Gary's point of view-
Me and Alyna actually had a lot of fun with that until after the flight on the ground I got a call from the office saying that their was a fire "did anything get lost?" I ask with anger in my tone "Not that we know of sir" "I'm on my way expect me back tomorrow" I say and hang up FUCK!
-Alyna's point of view-
I had sooo much fun with that until in the ground Gray got a phone call and it sounded serious he said he'd be back tomorrow "I'm going back Seattle and I'm taking you with me we are leaving at 8 be ready" he say while walking me to his car well the fun is over and the dominant it back SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA!

Sorry it took so long to post I hit a wall hopes you enjoyed till next time👋

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