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I was busy for the next whole months attending the campus placements in various companies through our college. I put this whole Naina issue aside and prepared seriously to get a job. I would immerse myself in studying and didn't really care about the time at which Manik and Naina were coming home after their day out. I don't know Preethi's involvement in their activities.

Manik used to come home late at night sometimes due to a lot of work in the office or going out for dinner with Naina and Preethi. I used to sleep by the time he came home most of the days.

By the end of the month, I got placed in a reputed company but there was no one to share that happiness with at home. I just called my mother and father and told them the news, they were ecstatic. But my mother as always had to say something about it "you are allowed to work only if they place you in this city, okay?" she said.

I just said okay and ended the call as I was too frustrated with her response. I thought I will tell Manik about it at night. I started making dinner as I thought that I would give him the good news with a nice meal. I was too happy to think about anything else.

As I was cooking with a wide smile on my face, Ramu came into the kitchen "Mr. Manik, his sister, and Ms. Naina are not gonna be there for dinner tonight as they all are staying the night at a friends house for a party. Mr. Manik asked me to inform you about it in the afternoon. Sorry that I came a little late, I see that you already started making dinner" he said with an apologetic smile. 

The big smile vanished from my face and I just gave him a sad smile and said "It's okay, you don't need to apologize about it. I will just put the rest of it in the refrigerator for tomorrow."

I should have to know that they won't be here. He should at least have the minimum responsibility of informing me through a phone call or at least a message. After all these days I should've known better than that I thought and went to sleep after having some food.

The next morning I woke up to find Manik sitting beside me on the bed just staring at my face and smiling creepily. "What's wrong? Why are you smiling like that?" I asked my voice a little hoarse due to sleep. "Nothing it's just.... that you look so cute while sleeping" he chuckled. "Ramu told me that you were making some special dinner last night, what's the occasion?" he asked. "Nothing, I just felt like it," I said in a clipped tone and got off the bed putting my hair in a bun.

He sighed and said, "what are you mad about now?" I don't know what possessed me to do that but I just turned to face him and yelled "Are you seriously asking me that? You didn't even think that it is necessary to inform me that you are not gonna come home, What do you think, huh? that I am a whiny female who always stays at home and complains about everything. You complain about everything that I do and Always have a pleasant smile if you see Naina. You think I am blind or something."

By the time I finished my whole speech I was full on panting and the tears already started falling down. I turned back and entered the bathroom locking the door behind me. I took a quick shower and came out to see that Manik was sitting in the same spot as he was waiting for me. Apparently, I got my period which explains my sudden outburst.

I got out of his walk-in closet fully dressed, "I am going to my house" I said and left as if my feet are on fire. I didn't want to hear anything he says as that will leave me in a sobbing mess right now.

I took a bus to my house and reached there in no time. My mother opened the door for me and started asking questions like why was I there without prior notice. I just said that I got my period and wanted to stay alone and went straight to my room. She didn't nag about it further.

I went to sleep and woke up to the sound of someone talking in the living room. I got up from the bed to go and see if it was my father and saw Manik sitting there on the sofa in the living room talking to my mother. "yes, yes she can be quite cranky during this time" my mother said to him laughing.

He stopped giggling with my mom as soon as he saw me "oh! you got up, I was just telling him about your mood swings."

I just nodded and asked if she cooked lunch and went to sit at the dining table to eat. She just gave me a glare that said what are you doing?  Manik came and sat with me at the table and put his hand on my thigh and I pushed it away.

After we had food my mother said that she is going for some shopping with her friend who lives on the top floor. After closing the door I went and into my room and he followed me inside. "Baby..." he called after me. He hugged me from behind and starting whispering sweet nothings into my ear and started placing kisses on my neck. "I am so sorry, I didn't know that this much was going on in your mind for the past few days."

"Well, you would know if you paid attention" I snapped coming back to my bitchy mode. He sighed "and that is why I am here to be as close as possible to you. We are not going back from here until you feel like it. Okay?" 

I turned to face him as he cupped my face in his palms and nodded my head. He kissed me on my forehead and then on my nose followed by my lips. After standing there and making out for quite a while we went to sit on my bed. "What do you want to do now?" he asked.

"Let's play chess" I hoped out of the bed and went to take my chess board outside. I just love playing chess because I am really good at it and I win all the time. 

After playing for an hour it seems that Manik is really, really good at playing chess and I was losing terribly playing against him. Then I put my hands on the board and scrambled all the pieces and "This is getting boring, let's do something else" I said pouting.

"Yeah boring because you are losing," he said snickering. "Shut up" I hit him with a pillow and he held me by my shoulder and pushed me onto the bed and kissed me deeply.

Hello guys! 

here's the next update as promised, keep reading and don't forget to vote. 

Thank you.

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