The Running Man 7

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"Hey, guys!!! wake up!! " Miyo said to the boy as she put the plate that fills with food on the table.

Then the boys wake up...

Miyo POV.

Finally!! They wake up!! this is the first and the last that I will wake them up

And there they are eating and playing... (did they just do this all day long?!) I hate boys. You know sometimes they very annoying and this they did the best...


That why I hate boys. Then someone touches me.

"Hey, Miyo are you ok??" Gai asked
"Oh yes I'm fine but please get your hand off me, " I said as I try to come down myself but he said, "what if I don't??" then I kick his little bro and then run away and close the door.

" Is he crazy?! " I said as I read a letter from Yuki
The letter said

'Dear Miyo

How are you doing, Did you miss me, don't you??

Did the boss give you a new mission??.

Miyo promise me don't let anyone know yours and your big brother secret because of 'Vampire Hunter' is coming for you and your big brother.

I know you don't want you big brother to get hurt or your friends to right??. Please be safe.

Love, Yuki "

After I read the letter that Yuki sent me I hurry to run to my big brother room to tell the news that Yuki give me

I can't help Yuki but I only hope that you're ok

End of Miyo POV.

Leo POV.

Knock Knock Knock

"Come in," I said as I put a shirt on when the door open Miyo hurry come in and locked the door.
" What happened?? " I asked Miyo as I look at her
" Big brother...they are coming what can we do??"Miyo asked me as her tears escaped her eyes

" Shh you will be fine I'm here don't worry, " I said as hug my little sister

" I..I don't wanna lose you again you are the only one in our family left, I scared, " Miyo said as she leans on my shoulder

" I promise I won't leave you alone I promise, " I said as I hug her

--------------------------------See ya next episode

"My father said don't you worry don't you worry child see heaven got a plan for you - Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin. "

And Merry Christmas!

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