Wyatt cupped his head in his own hands and gave it a thought until he finally spoke up, "Fine, fine. We'll make a bucket list."

I let out a little squeal at his agreement and started writing on the paper.

— — — —
things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day
— — — —

"Why'd you xed the 'fucking' out?", Wyatt asked peeking over my shoulder.

"Because it's not nice."

"Wha— y'know what? Just keep doing your thing."

"Okay, so I'll write one thing and then you'll write one"


"I'll start."

— — — —
things to do on a f̶̶u̶̶c̶̶k̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ rainy day

- slide around in fuzzy socks ◻️

- prank call ◻️

- read a good book ◻️

- sleep ◻️

- drink hot chocolate ◻️

- SEX AROUND ✖️ (no -J)

- doodle ◻️

- go over to jack and finn's ◻️

- look at embarrassing pics on our phones ◻️

- listen to music and dance around ◻️

- watch our fav movie ◻️

- bubble bath ◻️

— — — —


"Fuck this. Who came up with this again?", Wyatt poured standing in the hallway of the dorm house.

"I did! It's so fun, I promise!", I grinned at his grumpy face.

"This is stupid."

"No, it's really fun. Come on!", I called him over.


"Why? Just run, stop and let yourself slide."

"Because, Jaeden-!", Wyatt yelled but stopped with a sigh following, "because there are people here and someone might see us and think 'what kind of idiots are these guys?'", he whispered.

"You care about what other people think? Seriously? That's so— you know what? I'm gonna do it first, okay?", I spoke, looking at Wyatt who was still standing next to the door of our dorm room.

"Alright, fine.", he groaned because he knew he didn't have any choice since I was gonna make him do it anyway so there wasn't even a point at arguing.

"Okay, yay!", I clapped my hands, running over to Wyatt, pulling him in the middle of the hallway, "I'll go first, yeah?"

Wyatt nodded and smiled and I bet he had never done this before because he was turning kind of shy and I was sure he wanted to act a little more 'manly' and didn't want to make a fool out of himself.

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