Chapter 8

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Ok, before I start this chapter, I just wanna say thank you. I was derpin around the other day, and I saw that this story has MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND VIEWS!!! I am speechless. Thank you. I think I might've broken my iPod cause I had it on my desk, and I turned around and pulled the charger it was connected to by accident, and it fell. Ever since, it's been acting weird... Ugh, and our house has so many flucking ants, and they are EVERYWHERE!!! THEYRE EVEN IN MY BED!!! I WOKE UP ONE TIME AND THERE WAS THREE ANTS CRAWLING ON MY LEGS!!! Sorry, anyways, ya... enjoy...

No ones P.O.V

Mari sat in her hospital bed, a baby in each of her weak arms, slowly rocking her two princess' and humming a tune. She looked at Emma, the smaller of the two, and then at Ella, who was much more active and squirmy than her sister. She smiled down at the two, a few tears falling from her eyes. It was insane how these adorable human beings were growing inside her this entire time. She was scared of how Matt might react, but at the moment she just wished he was there to spend time with his daughters. A nurse came into the room and gently took the babies away from Mari, much to her disapproval. "Where are you taking them?" she asked, feeling very protective. "Don't worry ma'am, we're just taking them to get some quick tests and things, it'll only be a few minutes." "Oh..." Mari sighed as the nurse walked out of the room with her two angels. She sat in the bed for a minute or two, and heard the door open, and immediately perked up. She stuck out her arms to hold her babies again but was greeted by Matt. "Where is she?! I need to see her!" Matt said frantically. "M-matt, I d-don't know how to t-tell you this, but-" The door opened and the nurse walked into the room, carrying both babies carefully. "Ah, the daddy is back, would you like to hold them?" "Of course I wou- Wait, did you say them?!" Matt exclaimed, wide eyed. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't-" Mari said teary eyed, but was interrupted by a pair of lips slamming into her own. "We have twins! We have twins!" Matt grinned widely, obviously very happy. He turned to the nurse, took one look at the two babies in her arms, and tears of joy streamed down his face. The nurse carefully handed them to him and he carefully sat in the chair next to the bed. He stared at the two, and smiled widely. "Hey babies, I'm your daddy, and I'm gonna spoil you two rotten." Matt cooed at them. Ella squirmed and Emma lightly grabbed Matt's finger, which made Matt cry even more. Mari smiled at her tiny family, tears streaming down her face as well. Ella began squirming and scrunching up her face, going slightly red. Matt looked worriedly at his daughter but soon scrunched up his face in disgust as the most foul smell to ever emit from a human seeped into his nose. The nurse sighed, knowing what had happened. She took Emma from Matt, gave her to Mari, and led Matt and Ella, who was being carried by the very disgusted Matt, over to a small table. You can guess what happens next.

~skip about a hour~

Matt sat in the chair, rocking Ella in his arms protectively. Emma was sleeping soundly in Mari's arms. "I still can't believe it..." Matt said quietly, smiling down at the half asleep Ella. "Me neither... We're gonna need to go baby shopping..." Mari replied, remembering that they only had enough stuff for one baby. "Yeah... we should-" "WHERE ARE MY GRANDBABIES?!" Matt's mother boomed, making both babies jump awake and start crying. "Oh, I'm so sorry babies, did it wake you?" She said speed walking over to where Matt sat and taking Ella. She bounced her, making noises and faces at the infant. Mari quickly calmed Emma, and rocked her in her arms. Ella continued to cry, her tiny feet kicking slightly. Matt got up and took Ella from his mother and gave her to Mari, noticing that Mari seemed to be pained by the small babies cries. Ella stopped crying once put into her mothers arms, happy to be away from the crazy lady who had awoken her from her sleep. she was laid onto Mari's chest and began falling asleep, tiny fist in her mouth. "Isn't she adorable!" Matt's mother whisper squealed. Matt simply nodded in agreement, staring happily at his three most important people in the universe.

Congrats to the winner of the name thing! There were so many amazing names, and I apologize if your name didn't get picked. I wish I could morph all the names together so you'd all be included, but that would be one weird name.... Anyways, thanks for reading!

Baby Steps: Marhinki Fanfic ~CONTINUED SOMEWHERE ELSE~Where stories live. Discover now