Chapter 3

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Mari's P.O.V

I can't believe that I'm actually gonna be a mom... As we leave, I hold onto Matt's hand, and don't let go until we get to the car. I feel so safe with him. I want to feel that way forever. We don't talk the entire drive home. We get home, and we decide that it's time to discus our situation. "So, I guess we're gonna be parents..." Matt says as he sits on the couch. "Yeah, I guess we are... Matt, what are we gonna do?" I ask, feeling my eyes begin to water. He hugs me and tells me it'll be alright. As we pull away from the hug, we look into each other's eyes, and lean in. We're inches away, but my door opens. It's Joven. He looks really upset. Matt jumps back as the door opens, and we both stare at a very angry Joshua. "There you guys are! We've been waiting forever! Did you guys forget it was Friday?" Oh shoot, we have to make a game bang today! Damn it Joven, you couldn't have waited five minutes? I was about to kiss Matt! We get up and leave. As we drive, I can tell Joven is gonna ask us something. "Hey Matt, what were you doing at Mari's house?" Quick, think of an excuse! "He bought me groceries. He was just bringing them back for me." Nailed it. "Oh, ok." He says as we park and run to the game bang room. "Finally! What were you guys doing? Were you making Marhinki fan's dreams come true?" David says with a smirk. If only he knew... We laugh, and begin the game. The punishment is wearing a diaper, and Matt loses. When the score is revealed, and we find out that Matt has to wear a diaper, I can't help but giggle. Luckily, so does everybody else. This must be fate. A very humorous fate.

Matt's P.O.V

After putting on the diaper, and doing some embarrassing things while in it, we all shout out the outro, and end the video. As soon as the camera is off, all eyes are on us. "What?" Mari say, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "Cut the sh*t guys, we know you weren't, 'buying groceries'. Tell us the truth." We look at each other and I shouts out, "We're dating!" So everyone will stop wondering. If only it were true. They all smirk, and come in for a group hug. If this is their reaction to us 'dating', imagine what they'll do when they find out Mari is pregnant... With my baby... Let's worry about that later. Right now, I need to get out of this stupid diaper.

Mari's P.O.V

Me and Matt end up staying to edit, and we use the time to talk. "So, about what happened back at your place-" "We never finished, did we?" I ask smirking. Matt seemed excited about the idea. We lean in and kiss. This is perfect. We break away, and start to talk about us. "So does this mean-" "Yup, we're officially dating!" I say happily. Matt picks me up and swings me around. He puts me down, and we begin to discus our baby. "So, do you want a girl, or a boy?" I ask touching my belly. I can't imagine how I'll look in a few months... "I want a girl." He says confidently "Really? I thought you would want a boy to play video games with..." "Nope, my daughter is gonna be a gamer. And my princess" he says happily. "I can live with that." I say laughing. Our happiness didn't last long, cause we heard a small gasp come from the doorway. We both turn and see David staring at us bug-eyed. "Mari, you're pregnant?!" Oh no... "Umm..." I don't know what to say! "Please don't tell ANYONE!" Matt pleads. "Matt, you sly dog you!" David says smirking. "So you want a girl... Wouldn't think of you wanting a daughter, but ok." David says chuckling. I blush, and force David to promise to not tell anyone of what he heard. He surrenders, and jokes with us some more. "So how long have you guys been actually dating?" "Since today..." "Then how are you already that pregnant?" We look at each other and giggle. "It's a long story..." Matt explains "I've got time" David says pulling a chair over and sitting in it.

~small time skip...

"And that's how I'm already this pregnant." I finish. "Wow, that is a long story..." David says yawning, and looks at the clocks. "Welp, looks like I gotta go home. My wife'll have a cow if I come home late." He says chuckling. "Bye love birds" he says as he walks out the door. Well that was a eventful editing session... Both me and Matt yawn and finish up our work. We head home, and go to bed, this time, Matt stays in my room. Today was very eventful. I found out I'm pregnant, me and Matt started dating, The smosh crew found out about it, then David found out about me being pregnant. All these things took a lot of energy outta me. Whelp, time for bed. I cuddle with Matt, and fall asleep in his arms.

Matt's P.O.V

I fall asleep, but wake up to a baby crying. 'What the-' then, Mari gets up and walks out of the room. 'Where is she going?' I decide to follow her, and end up standing in a doorway that hadn't been in Mari's house before. It led to a light pink room, with the name, 'Emma' written on the wall. I see Mari standing there, holding a blanket. "Mari, what is this?" I ask, and she notices me and turns around. "Oh, Matt, you don't know? This is Emma's room!" "Who is Emma?" "She's your daughter silly!" She says shoving the fuzzy blanket into my arms, but inside, instead of a baby, there is an endless black hole that sucks me in, making my whole world dark. I scream, but no one comes to save me. Then, I bolt upright out of bed, sweating and scared. To my left is Mari, who looks confused and worried. "Matt, is everything alright?" She asks, rubbing my back. "Yeah, just a bad dream..." I reply, feeling a lot better now that I knew it was a dream. "Oh, ok then..." She says, lying back down to sleep. I look at the clock. 6:46 am. 'Well, I better get back to sleep... That sure was a strange dream...' I think, drifting off to sleep.

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