Hard to get

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It was a dark evening, quiet, windy, cold. Gloomy especially. The leopard cats green eyes twinkled as he looked up at the moon, tears rolled down his cheek. He was all that was left. The war killing his whole temple. He was all that was left. Stuck in the middle of the battlefield. Surrounded by corpses of other yaoguai. "Where did it all go wrong..."

(1 week ago)

Shu-Chi, small, well built, strong, cute, and a bit of a nuisance. He was walking down into town to get something to eat. He saw other yaoguai chatting and playing card games or even buying stuff. He smiled at how peaceful it was until... his eyes looked straight at one single yaoguai. A leopard. Beautiful coffee colored eyes. His heart skipped a beat, it practically love at first sight. He observed the cats body and he felt himself heating up, the way he wore his clothing. His muscular body showed off. It was like he just wanted to squeeze it... NO! He'd get in trouble if he was with another yaoguai that wasn't from his temple. He shook his head and he looked away. He peaked every now and then at the leopard. He coughed a little as he tried approaching him but he was stopped in his tracks with a hand in front of his face. "No. Small cat will not communicate."

His accent was strong and he looked down at Shu-Chi. The small cat smiled and he pushed the paw down. "My names Shu-Chi! What is yours stranger~?"

The leopard thought for a moment and he decided not to speak so he turned and walked back to the direction he came from. Shu-Chi sighed and he followed right beside him. "I see you're not from around here. It sure is easy to get lost without help or someone guiding you around here."

He was getting on the leopards nerves. He put his paw on Shu-Chi's shoulder and he firmly squeezed it. "Wait" He said and he let go and took a left into an alleyway and just like that he was gone. Leaving the leopard cat clueless and love sick. He had to get that cat. He just had to.

Love can be poisonous  (Shu-Chi x Likulau)Where stories live. Discover now