11.5 - Projects

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This is getting out of hand. I really hate not talking to Sabrina. But things have been said and done. It's her call. She said she wouldn't want me in her life, so be it. We've done the album and as I've heard, it will be out in just a few months. We always hang out from the band. All except Sabrina of course. It's like she was a brand new human being. It's not her anymore. We've discussed this matter with Deomie but all she said was "It's just a phase guys. Leave her be. It'll pass."

"We could not wait for all of that. What if something happens? What if she got hurt during the process?" I asked.

"Then she'll learn. That's how life goes on my friend. Test before the lessons." Deomie answered.

So we waited and waited. She does rehearsals and meetings but when we got outside studio, the cold war turns on.

Mrs. Gordav had this kickass idea of a project. So the idea of this project is that we will have a family. 2 junior students will act as mom and dad and 3rd graders students will be children. We will have this work and stuff and a reunion too as what Mrs. Gordav said. Mrs. Gordav called my name. I went up front to pick a paper from the red box. I unrolled the paper and stared at it. My inner self was partying like a maniac.

"Sabrina Antoinette Nicole Bjorne" I said dryly. I'm not gonna make her think I missed her or anything. I saw her stood up her chair and is walking towards me. I should do something or God knows what will happen. I made a fast move. I pick a paper in the yellow box, unrolled it and said Mechanical Engineering dryly. I didn't wait for her. When I announced what will I be I walked towards my seat and sat as if nothing happened. She picked Structural Engineer which probably be true few years from now.

When all of us are finished, Mrs. Gordav made us sit next to our partners. I sat beside her. Didn't do anything else. Then Mrs. Gordav was discussing something again and the bell rang. I stood up went for the door and made my way to my next class.

"Hey, you were paired up with Sabrina. Nice." Jeremy smirked.

"This could end this shenanigan. I'll do my best for us." I replied.

"Mission: To make us friends again" Jan said.

"Mission accepted sir." I saluted to Jan and we laughed.

I was wondering about the project's outcome. I was really looking forward to this thing. And the best part of it, Sabrina would be my wife. This is the chance I've been waiting for. The Gods are giving me their favor. This is destiny. I hope this would be the way that we could patch up things.

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