Chapter Four

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Hugo and I were super excited, and me a little trepidatious, making the train ride last forever. Finally we were close enough to change into uniforms. 

Hugo went to the bathroom to change while the girls and I just used the small space we had.  As we neared closer and closer to the castle, the butterflies in my stomach, increased in intensity.

By the time Hugo returned, I felt ready to throw up, "Hugo, I'm scared. What if I don't know anyone? What if everyone laughs at me? What if I'm in Ravenclaw and I can't get into the common room? What if-"

"Calm down, shorty." He reached up and grabbed my trunk for me, "It's not going to be that bad. You're the youngest, so you've got like, at least ten people in the school looking out for you. That's better than any muggle born could say. Besides, I'll be right next to you up until we get sorted. Maybe even after that."

I ignored his jab at my height and took my trunk from him, "I know, but I'm still scared. Where'd Lucy and Roxy go?"

He rolled his eyes at me, "They got off the train. We're here, idiot."

We started to exit the train and I felt my palms clam up. We followed the other first years and approached Hagrid. He was getting old, but he loved his job too much to retire. Besides, giants have a slightly extended life period.

"Lily! Hugo! How are ya doin?" He hugged us, "Are ya excited fur yur firs year?"

Hugo replied with an enthusiastic "Yes!" Mine, however, had a lot less energy. I was still trying to keep from throwing up my lunch.

We followed Hagrid's instructions and soon found ourselves in a tiny row boat, with two boys.  I was too nervous to talk, so I enjoyed the beautiful view and ignored the other first years.

When the murky lake and cobblestone castle caused me too much unease, I gazed toward the boys. The one directly across from me had brown hair and blue eyes. He was at least a head taller than me, which was no surprise.

The kid next to him, had blond hair, a slightly bulky build and brown eyes. They talked quietly to each other. They've probably known each other for a while.

Faster than it seemed, we reached the castle. Uncle Neville greeted all of the first years and started to lead us into Hogwarts. He was telling us something, but my anxiety blocked it out.

Before I could completely prepare myself, Professor Longbottom disappeared. Oh my god! It's almost time!

Hugo grabbed my hand to pull me out of my thoughts, "Are you alright? You're shaking."

His blue eyes pierced into my own, "I'm just super nervous. What if I get Slytherin! I won't know anyone!"

He ran his other hand through his curly red hair, "Lily, I know for certain that no matter where you belong you'll make new friends. Out of everyone I know, and that's saying a lot, you are the best at meeting new people. I don't know, there's something about you that makes it impossible to hate you. Don't worry."

Before I could reply, Professor Longbottom started to lead us all into the great hall. I squeezed Hugo's hand tighter as we walked through the stone hallways. Soon, we reached the great hall and my father's friend opened the large doors.

As we entered the large room, we took in the beautiful sights. There were candles hanging all around the room, lighting up the four long tables under them. Perpendicular to the four tables, a fifth table sat at the front of the room. At this table, the teachers looked out to the students. The four tables with students were categorized by house; Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff. (Not particularly in that order.). The ceiling was magically enhanced to reflect the sky and the weather, taking my breath away.

As we approached the front of the room, I searched the sea of faces for my family. My eyes found Lucy first. Being the only redheaded Hufflepuff, she was easy to spot. Seated next to her was Frank Longbottom, Uncle Neville's son. They're both second years and are great friends.

Further down the Hufflepuff table, was my other cousin, my Uncle Bill's son. Louis is a fourth year, the same age as my brother James.  The part Veela in his blood, makes his strawberry blond hair and baby blue eyes more attractive than any other boy's ego could contain. Luckily, he's one of my kindest relatives.

As I averted my gaze, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Roxanne give me a thumbs up from the Gryffindor table. I returned her gesture with a timid smile. Past a few people to her left, I glanced at Rose. Her red hair hid at least half of her face, as her dark blue eyes scanned through a thick book.

Across from her, sat my older brother Albus. Being the only third years in my family, the two of them spend a lot of time together. Albus seemed to be looking for me, but couldn't see me under all of my tall peers. His friend Cameron Thomas, Dean Thomas' son, found me first and pointed me out to him.

Albus' green eyes met my hazel ones and he smiled at me.  Suddenly, he spun around and started yelling. I stared at the black messy hair on his head, in confusion. Instead of turning back to me, he got James' attention.

James waved vigorously at me and purposely made weird faces to try and cure my fear. Beside him, his best friend, Fred, was wacked in the face several times, causing me to giggle. Feeling accomplished, he turned to our angry cousin, Fred. He took that as the perfect opportunity to get revenge, and hit him right back. The fourth years laughed and continued their conversation.

Louis' older sister, Dominique, sat a long ways down the table. Also part Veela, her blond hair and blue eyes attracts a ton of guys and even a few girls. She seems to be ignoring them all, and instead, talks with her few close friends. As a fifth year, she's the oldest Weasley at Hogwarts.

"-ily! Lily!" Hugo yelled in my ear.

I jerked my head toward him, "What?"

He rolled his eyes, "You were so lost in thought, you didn't realize that we reached the front of the room, and you missed all of the directions. Basically, when they call your name, go sit on the stool. Then Uncle Neville, I mean Professor Longbottom, will place the sorting hat on your head. Then you go sit at the table of whatever house you're sorted into. You got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." I shoved him playfully and subconsciously bit my lip.

"Don't be nervous, Lil. It's not that bad. We'll be fine." He gave me a serious look.

"Who said I was nervous? I'm not nervous." I looked up at him.

"You're biting your lip. Don't try to lie to me. It won't ever work. Besides, your hands are still shaking. Did you forget we were holding hands?" He smirked at me.

I yanked my hand out of his and crossed my arms, "Fine, I-"

I was cut short by Professor Longbottom, "Weasley, Hugo!"

Hey, guy! I'm sorry it took me so long to update. The holidays have kept me really busy with family. I'm also really sorry that this is such a boring chapter. I was trying to introduce all of the Weasleys. I plan to update the next chapter faster, and don't worry, I plan for it to be more interesting. Also, I don't really know if giants or half-giants have longer lives. It probably isn't true, but I want Hagrid in my story, so that's my explanation for him still being a teacher.

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