Chapter 1: Thief

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Today is just like any other in the bakery. Bustling servants search for the best foods to buy and families enjoy the pleasant evening together. While these honest people have their own plans, I have some very different ideas about how to get what I need for the day. I snake through the throng, not sticking out in my simple clothes so I can get away with my intentions.

I weave in between the bodies around me, heading towards the front of the store. I pass a young girl holding her parent's hand and begging for a cookie. Several years ago that could have been me. But I am not a little girl now. I have grown, and I do what I must to survive.

Like any proper thief, I steal for necessities. However, I don't live in wealth. No one here lives in wealth but the Queen. I steal to survive since it's the only real skill I have.

When I reach the counter, I glance at the tray filled with an assortment of sweets and treats. I find a particularly good looking scone and stop to take a quick look at the rest of the wares. My mouth waters as I take in the pleasant aroma.

While the scones do look tempting, the apple tarts are fresh out of the oven. The sugary, intoxicating scent is enough to send my stomach growling. It's a tough decision, but a necessary one. If only my brother were with me. He'd know just the right treat to get.

"I think I'll take an apple tart today," I told the baker after careful consideration.

I slide a few coins on the counter, knowing that his business is too small for me to try ransacking money from. I smile at him brightly, using the distraction it gives the man to grab a few extra pastries off his table before he can notice. Losing some sweets, however, will not kill him.

Being a thief has its perks, and free food is always a plus. I never seem to have enough of it though. No matter how much I beg and steal from others, food always runs out the fastest. I eat like a pig, and so does my companion. He and I have been together forever, and nothing will ever change the bond we share as siblings.

I move out of the bakery before he notices my little trick. By the time he's pleasantly conversing with the next customer, I'm already standing outside and looking around the market. Somewhere out there my brother is getting a few extra coins for is to survive off of. If it weren't for the Queen, we would not have to be criminals. Her exorbitant taxes are the very reason we steal to live.

Ridgewood is a city that is fully controlled by Queen Victoria's powerful influence. Outlaws and other castaways like myself know better than to cross the Queen. The trails of bodies she has made during her reign—both from war and through the sickness that spread through her lands—have formed her into the selfish tyrant she is.

Her reign over the Queendom has been long and bloody. There has been near-constant warfare under Victoria's command, yet no one dares to question her for the right of the throne. I suspect that many shy away from the idea of power because of the threat she poses.

There have been countless rebellions against her reign over the years, though none have been very successful. Each rebellion so far has been snuffed out before its flames could spread and spark a proper revolt. With the guards she has surrounding her at all times, Victoria is relatively safe from harm.

In addition to her cold heart, there are no heirs to take over if the Queen was removed from power. Victoria refuses any offer of marriage or alliance she's ever received. Due to her hostility, trade is nearly nonexistent with foreign countries. All of us inside of Ridgewood are forced to be as self-sufficient as possible to survive.

The sun is quickly fading from the sky and I need to hurry to prepare for the night. I finish my extra rations of food, stuffing a portion away to eat for a late, but well deserved, dinner. I watch out for any soldiers roaming the streets that might recognize me from the Black Market.

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