Special christmas present

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Betty's pov

It's christmas eve and I have the best christmas present for Jughead I think. You see I am 4 and a half month pregnant. And now you probably wonder why I haven't told him and well I have been scared to be honest and I know I shouldn't be but I'm scared he is gonna leave me even if I know he wouldn't but yeah, he also went away with his job to go on tour because his book got so big. I also had very loose clothes on me so he woulden't see my now little baby bump... So I'm gonna tell him today and I have  planned to tell him tonight because I don't wanna do it infront of his family who we are celebrating christmas with. 

I look over my shoulder to see a still sleeping Jughead and smiles, I turn around to get a good look at him but accidentally wakes him up.

"good morning, Betts" he says with his sweet smile on his face.

"good morning and Merry christmas" I answer.

He pulls me into him and I shift so he won't feel my baby bump.

"merry christmas" he whisper in my ear.

We lays in the bed for like 40 minutes more before we gets breakfast. When we have eaten up I goes to are closet and tries to find a dress that woulden't show my baby bump which was hard but I finally find a red loose dress with flower lace. When I am ready I walks to the living room and see Jughead and can I just say he looks super hot, I smile and walks up to him

"ready" he says and smiles.

"yeah" I say and we walks to the car.

In the car the seatbelt showes my bump so I tries to but the belt in another position. 

"you okay" Jughead says and I jump a little.

"yeah, yeah I'm fine" smile over at him.

"great" he says while looking at the road smiling.

We comes home to Jugheads parents and there we eat and opens presents and just talks with each other. We just have a great time.

When we gets home again the clock is 7 pm and Jughead goes to the bedroom. Okay now is the chance betty, you need to tell him. I take a deep breathe and walks in to the bedroom there I see Jughead laying on the bed with just sweatpants on. I walk into the closet and puts on shorts and a t-shirt. I quickly walks in to our bedroom again. Jughead looks up and smiles and I walks over to him and sits down on his lap. 

"I have one more christmas present for you" I say pecking his lips.

"Betts, you didn't  have to" he says and looks in my eyes.

"well, it's a special christmas present" I say and smiles bright.

"oh okay" he answers suprised. 

I take a deep breathe and pulls up my t-shirt so he can see my baby bump. I look at his face and sees how it forms to big smile.

"betty, are you" he says and smiles.

"yeah jug, I'm pregnant" I say and smile. 

He smiles more and picks me up.

"we're gonna have a baby" he says and I giggle.

He puts me down and kisses me.

"how many months?" he then asks.

"4 and a half" I say and he hugs me.

"I love you" I say and kisses him.

"I love you too" he says and kisses me again "and I love you" he continues and place a small kiss on my bump.


Sorry for so bad update, I will try to post more and sorry it's short. 

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