Chapter 6

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~ Maverick~

Its been a couple of weeks since the sleepover at Marco's house, and things have fallen into a regular pattern of sorts. Every day after school Marco and I will go to our respective practices and meet at one of our homes. And what usually started as a study session almost always, ended up with us,a tangle of limbs on the floor. I'm not going to lie, it's amazing. My parents are very supportive of us, and even my little brothers have gotten used to seeing Marco every day.

     Today is one of those days, I'd just gotten done with swim practice, I'd joined to be in the water more. After I dried off I went to find Marco. I find him waiting by my motorbike, still sweaty from his practice. " So I guess we're going to my place today?" I asked, leaning in and pressing my lips to his. He wrapped his arms around my neck, holding me in place. When he pulled back he shook his head. "We're going to mine, my parents are back...I think I'm ready to tell them about us." he said standing up on tip toe, to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss, lifting him up in my arms. Without another word, he made his way to his truck and we made our way to his house.

    Its been a three months and I'm still not used to the size of his house, or mansion. As we pulled up,I noticed a new car parked along side his brothers SUVs, they'd come back to welcome there parents back. " We'll tell them over dinner." he said, as we walked up the stairs. As soon as we got through the door to his room , he was stripping naked, struggling to pull the sweaty shirt over his head. I laughed walking over to him, " I'm way better at getting your clothes off than you are." I continued to laugh when he pulled me into a kiss. We stood there, his naked body pulled close to my own clothed body.


    I really couldn't think. What has made him want to tell his parents. As we stood there kissing, he must have sensed that I was somewhere else. " Are you okay? " he asked walking into his bathroom and turning on the shower. Before I answered I got naked and into the shower with him. " I just like to mentally prepare myself for big stuff like this. " I said. " I think we'll be fine," he kissed me, a steady hand running over my chest. " Let's get clean and then head down, dinner should be starting soon." he said. Once we were done we walked into the closet, which now had a section carved out beside Alex's just for me. I insisted on paying him back for it all, but then he showed me the total for his shopping. " It's because I love you, no other reason. " he looked into my eyes so I could see the sincerity in his face. I smiled down at him. " Wear this! " He shouted pulling out a baby blue polo and khaki shorts. " You can pick your own shoes, middle rack under mine. " he said pointing to the far wall of his closet.

____________15 minutes later_____________

   I sat across from Terry as the soup was served by the chef and his assistants. Matthew and Kim sat further down the table, near the regal image of their mother. Katherine Davis was beautiful. Even in her older age, she seemed to have timeless beauty. But even her presence was shadowed by immense weight that was her husband. Matthew Davis Sr. sat royally at the head of the table smiling brightly at each of his children, pride in each of them. I wanted nothing more than to shrink back as his hazel eyes landed on me, but I settled myself and gave him my best smile.

     Small talk crisscrossed the table as the help gathered up our soup bowls and began to bring out the main course of steak and potatoes, paired with broccoli in a white cheese sauce. There was silence as we ate the main course, some unspoken rule keeping the room quiet as the meat slid down our throats. Soon though Matthew broke the silence, addressing his parents. "So my classes are going well, even with winter exams coming up soon." he said looking between his parents. Katherine clapped happily and looked to her next child. Terry simply held up a thumbs up and a wink. Kim went on about some of her practices and grades. But I was somewhere else, the whole while my eyes fixed on Marco as he sat quietly beside his father. " What about you honey?" the matriarch at the opposite end of the table addressed me.

    I suddenly found my voice, no matter how weak it sounded. " I'm on the swim team,I surf as much as I classes are going wonderful, mostly because Marco helps me with homework." I said looking quickly at my boyfriend. Before I could speak again Matthew Sr. spoke up. " You seem like a nice young man, what are your intentions with my daughter?" his question caught me by surprise. And by the way his children all started choking I'd bet it caught them too. I looked at Marco, and for a second I thought he would back out. But he stoned his face and nodded.

     I allowed myself a quick glance at his brothers and sister, each of them giving me the same nod. "Son, are you all right?" the patriarch asked me. I took a deep breath, and spoke. " Sir I have no intentions with your daughter." I said. I watched his face turn from confusion to realization, but no anger so far. " Which of my children, do you have intentions for?" he asked, a stressed tone in his voice. I saw Marco open his mouth to speak.

     " Me dad, it's me. He's my boyfriend." he said looking, pleading, into his father's eyes.


As soon as the word left my mouth,I didn't know what to do. All I could do was hope that my father would be okay, that he would still love me the same. And for about five seconds I believed everything was going to be alright. But then he spoke. There was a cold point in his voice, but he remained calm. " Marco, I have no problem with you dating this boy, " he said pointing at Maverick. ", but it won't be done under my roof. No child of mine is gonna be a..." the voice of my mother silenced him. " Matthew!!! You're not gonna speak to our child like this. You do what you feel you need to but, don't say something you are going to regret."

    She fixed herself and continued eating her food. My siblings and my boyfriend looked from her, to me, to my father. " I want you gone, before the night is out." he spoke quietly and before anyone could protest he was up and into his study. I tried to stop the tears I knew were coming, but as soon as I heard my mother's voice say my name,I broke. " Listen honey, your father loves you, he just has some trouble expressing it." she said rubbing my cheek as she held my face. " He kicked me out! " I cried into her shoulder. "He's doing what he thinks is best for you, he'll come around Marco." she said soothing me.

    Before I could get more emotional than I already was,I stood to my feet and pulled Maverick up to my room with me. He was pulling me into a hug before I could resist. " You know you can come live with me now, we'll be fine. We'll get through this together." he said kissing my forehead. I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him deeply. " Get my biggest bag out of the closet, when I leave tonight it's gonna take a miracle to get me back here." I pushed him toward the closet. He grinned at me and kissed my cheek. Once he was gone,I buried my face in a pillow and cried.

   We ended up at Mave's house just as his family decided to go to relax. the twins were fighting about which video game they would play. His parents were cuddled in his father's big chair whispering to each other. All of that stopped when Maverick and I passed through the living room to go to his guest house. "Later." was all his father said, nodding and giving me a sympathetic look. We didn't bother to put my stuff away, we just lay on the couch and soon I drifted off to sleep.

~ Maverick ~

    I held Marco until he was sleeping,I didn't move but instead just lay there wondering, what if his father never came around. I love him so much but I don't know how well I can handle him being depressed. I'm not going to get mad at him, but his dad. But instead of dwelling on the thought I just carried him to my bed and undressed him. Once he was covered I undressed myself and crawled in next to him, wrapping him in the love I have for him.

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