Chapter 13

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*This picture is actually one that actually says Marco and Maverick just put the tattoos on the right side guy and there you go


I was excited to finally be back home, well in the home I'd made with Maverick. His brothers welcomed me back the best way they know how, "So you guys are gonna start banging again yea!" Tristan said as he hugged me. "They're gonna DO IT!" Kaleb shouted from across the living room, doing a dance that would make anyone's mother blush the brightest shade of red. "You guys suck." I laughed pushing Tristan into the couch. Maverick pulled me along, through the backyard into our little slice of paradise. Walking into the living room I began to think back to the night I tried to end it all. Mave pulled me into his chest. "Hey I love you, you know that right?" he said into my hair. Looking into his face, I could see everything I'd put him through. It broke my heart to know that I'd slipped so far and pulled him through the coals of my depression.

"I love you so much, Mave." I pulled him into bed with me, wrapping his arms around me, wrapping myself in his love. Soon I drifted into sleep, his breathing lulling me into a deep sleep.

I couldn't stay in the bed with Marco. Once he was asleep I crawled out of the bed and went to the couch. As I lay watching the ceiling fan spin, my phone vibrated. Of course it was a message from Bo.

Is it that easy for you to just forget about me- bo

What we did was wrong, my boyfriend was in a coma!-mav

But you said you loved me, what about me-bo

You know that's a lie, I never said that to you and I never will!-mav

Don't do this to me, I want you-bo

I love Marco and I'm going to tell him, even if it means he leaves me, I'm not thing to lie to him- mav

I didn't get a response after that. The night lasted for am eternity, before i knew it Marco was awake and cooking breakfast. "I woke up, and you weren't there." he smiles and kisses me as I lean against the counter. I smiled, it wouldn't be the same once I told him the truth. I knew I had to tell him but I was afraid. I am supposed to be his knight in shining armour, but I screwed it all up the second I had sex with Bo.

"Mav, baby you are looking kinda sick, are you feeling okay?" he held my face in his hands. I pull his hands away, I take a deep breath and prepare for the worst. "Marco there is something I need to tell you."


I can't believe what I just heard. I can't decide if I should be furious or if i should blame myself. Six weeks, almost the entire time I was in a coma, Bo had been screwing my boyfriend. Or Mav had been screwing my ex. "I think I need some space." I said. I walked out of the front door, through the house, and got into my truck.

I drove all the way to Alex's house. I didn't even knock as I opened the door and continued up the stairs to his room. I opened the door and couldn't believe what I was seeing....


I know I ended that abruptly, but that's the point. Also I know i put a happy picture to a kinda sad chapter but I couldn't help it, those two (whoever they may be) are what I see Marco and Maverick as...sans tattoos for Maverick. Anyway keep reading and keep voting

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