Their Secret, Now Ours: Chapter One; Finally in New York

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So the prologue was just to give people a sense of what my writing style is like. Like I said, Excuse my poor creative skills, i'm an ameteur T^T

Please give me any feedback and criticism is always welcomed =) unless is like...really harsh...if so....then, keep it to yourself 0_0 lol just kidding. Any help is greatly appreciated. ^_^


Chapter One

Finally. After exactly five hours and forty-five minutes on an airplane, Myra arrived at the airport at six in the afternoon. After walking down the platform, she went straight to the ladies room to check on herself before meeting her aunt. She came all the way to invade the woman's space, the least she could do is look presentable. Looking at herself in the mirror she was glad the bathroom was empty when she came in.

Her usually long straight blue-black hair looked like it had been run over by a lawnmower, the outcome of her falling dead asleep on the airplane. She sighed looking at the bright blue-eyed girl staring back at her in the mirror. She wore white skinny jeans, that she hoped wouldn't get dirty, black converse and a flowy see-through black top with a white tank-top under. She fixed her hair as much as she could and stretched out her tank-top so the hem rested on her thighs. Well, this is as good as it's going to get.

Leaving the bathroom, she hurried to meet her aunt. She hoped her aunt didn't wait too long. It took a while for Myra to find her luggage, though it was only three bags since her mom will send some of her other clothes to her later. Her thoughts slipped away when she heard a little boy call out her name.

"Myra! Myra!" Chris kept calling out her name while waving his little hand as hard as he could to get her attention. Smiling, Myra hurried to where her aunt and her little cousin were waiting for her.

"Hey rugrat" Myra said leaning down to hug her little favorite cousin. "and Aunt Fay!"

"Hey kiddo!" Fay said, returning the hug. "It's been a while, you've grown so much...where did those curves come from?" she teased with a big grin on her face.

"A certain dear Aunt of mine passed some of her genes to me; I had no say in it." Her aunt laughed.

She missed that laugh. Her aunt was one of the few people that really understood her and who she could tell anything to. People described Myra as a mini version of Fay. Though they look nothing alike. Instead of having Myra's blue-black hair, Fay sported curly brown hair which she almost never let down, and instead of having bright blue eyes like Myra, she has the same dark brown eyes as Josie. The only major difference between Fay and Josie is that Josie has straight hair which she passed on to Myra.

The blue-black hair and blue eyes were passed on to her from her father. She was his spitting image. It didn't help that he was no longer with them. Myra felt her heart clench tightly at the thought of her deceased father.

"Well okay hot-shot, let's get out of here, I'm starving!"

"Yeah, me too! Let's go home and eat, Myra!" Chris encouraged.

Myra stifled a laugh, glad at the interruption of her thoughts "Okay, okay, let's go."

Memories rushed in when she sat on the passenger seat in her aunt's old minivan. It was a dark cherry pearl Honda. Myra knew her aunt was in no position to afford a new car. Not that the minivan was in bad shape or anything but her aunt has had it for as long as Myra can remember. Aunt Fay grabbed her attention once she started the ignition.

"So, what are your plans?" Aunt Fay asked while keeping her eyes on the road.

"I don't know, I definitely want to tour around, maybe go shopping, get a job.." Her tone dropped to a whisper at the last words.

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