Derek reached for the glass of water half a sleep. When he couldn't find the glass he opend his eyes. He felt shocked when he opend his eyes. He wasn't in his room. He carefully observed his surrounding it seemed to him, he is in a hospital. When he take a look at his legs he clearly understood why he is in a hospital, he broke his leg. He tried to remember how he ended up here. A man opend the door. He looked like a doctor judging by his uniform. "Mister Light how are you feeling? The accident you had, you are lucky you are even alive. Anyways your leg should be alright in 3 months." "Oh umm good to know," Derek awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Oh your family came to visit. They should visit you any minute," a minute later his family rushed into the room. "How are you feeling Derek honey?" My mom asked. He could tell she was extremely worried. "All good mom!" He tried to be enthusiastic to lift everyone mood. "Hey.... son!" His father awkwardly wiped his hands in his pants. "Dad" Derek answered him. There were still some tension left between them since they  fought. "That must have hurt pretty bad huh?" Mister Light tried to make small talk with him. "I don't know I was blacked out," Derek shrugged. " Well that's nothing new," his father pointedly put that out. Derek bit his lips from coming up with a retort. His brother just continuously glared at him. They stayed over half an hour. It was mostly awkward but also sweet since they came when he needed them the most. They went home since it was getting late. Derek looked out of the window, it was raining. He closed his eyes quietly listening to the sound of raining. His thought went back to Molly. He wasn't upset anymore she cheated on him but that he hit her. He wasn't himself that day.  He wishes he could go back and stop himself from doing that to her. He shouldn't have let things go so out of hand so easily. He was so upset that day he went to the pub and got drunk. He soon realised how easy it is to forget about everything when you are drunk.  So he started to get drunk more often gradually every day. When he was drunk  he didn't care Molly left him or that he hit her, all that he cared about was having fun. Having fun costed him his job, his friends. The truth was he couldn't stand being alone in his apartment. He felt so lonely. He had a hole in his heart that roared with pain. He took shot after shot until slowly he couldn't feel it. When he sobered up, the hole returned with double the pain. He wants happy but without the help of alcohol. The doctor who he met earlier returned to the room once again to check up on him. Since he had nothing to do and it was 10 pm he tried to take a nap and he succeed. The next day he woke up feeling excited because he get out this hospital. Something about hospitals that makes anxious. Maybe it's the smell of medicines or it could be the because of the depressing atmosphere. What ever the cause maybe he is happy he can go outside again. The hospital gave him a pair crutch. He soon discovered how hard it is to walk with a crutch. After he got out of the hospital he called her mother telling him that he staying in his friends house the truth was he rented a motel room. Despite the cheap accommodation he quickly got comfortable. He knew he needs to find a job but he didn't want to work as an accountant. That job drained his happiness. He remembered about reading about a pub that's hiring. He wandered how hard could it be. Without any thought further he room services breakfast. After eating breakfast he took a nice long bath but he was carefull not get water in this injured area.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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