Chapter 7

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"Chote.. Khushi.. What are you both doing here? Look at yourselves.. Can't you see it's raining?" Anjali ran towards them hiding her body under an umbrella.
"We can see it Di.. But what do you expect us to do? Pray to God that along with the rain, to let some umbrellas fall down from the sky also?" Arnav asked sarcastically.
Anjali glared at him, then looked at Khushi worriedly, "Get in the car you both.. Otherwise you will get sick.."
Arnav walked towards the car and Khushi followed him silently.

"Chote you know you promised that we're going to roam around Delhi after Shashi uncle's party.." Anjali said as the driver started the car.
"Really? I can show you best places.." Khushi said chirpily.
"No, thank you.. I'm going with Di only.." Arnav replied and Khushi pouted. 

"No, it's okay.. Khushi can come with us.." Anjali replied.

"Di no!" Arnav whined.

Anjali looked at both and understood that they must have fought, she said: But why?

"Because we only talked about us, remember?" Arnav glared at his Di.

"It's okay Di.. If he doesn't want me to go, then I won't!" she said and looked away. 

Arnav shut his eyes feeling bad for making her sad. Why is this happening to him? Why can't he see her like this?

"Chote.." Anjali whispered and signaled him to look at Khushi's sad face. 
Arnav stare at Khushi looking down and playing with her saree sadly.

"You can come with us.." he said clearing his throat to gain her attention.

Khushi looked at him smiling, her face brightened in happiness. She jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pecked his cheek like once he had done it in the past, "Thank you Annav!!"

Arnav suddenly got some flash back on his mind, where he's kissing a girl on his birthday party. He smiled amused and stare at Khushi, who is smiling showing her all teeth to him. 

"Wow!" Anjali widened her eyes in shock.

Khushi gulped seeing Anjali witnessed the kiss she gave to Arnav, she blushed and quickly left Arnav, sitting back properly.

Next day.. 

"Today we are thinking we should go to picnic.." Garima said and looked at Shashi who nodded his head, "From the time you came here, we didn't go somewhere together.. Only the kids are roaming around everyday.."

"Sure.. It's a great idea.." Ratna smiled. 

"Ma I won't be able to go!" Arnav said descending the stairs. 

"Why?" Ratna frowned.

"I have to go back to New York because I've an important meeting.." Arnav said.

"What?" Khushi frowned, then her face fell, "Why?" she whispered.

Arnav looked at her with 'I also don't want to leave you' look.

"Kya bhai?" NK whined, "We were supposed to have fun with you and now you're already going.."

"I'm coming with you Arnav.." Aman said.

Meera looked at him sadly, she didn't want him to go now.

Buaji was also sad that Arnav is going too soon. She wished he stayed for a few more days. 

Khushi left her plate and went to kitchen frowning, and Arnav followed her to the kitchen.

Ratna and Garima looked at them grinning. 

Shashi and Raj understood now that something is cooking between these two. 

"Khushi listen to me.. It's not that I want to go but I've too.. It's an important meeting!" Arnav said following her.

"Then go, who stopped you?" she asked angrily.

"Your eyes!" he replied.

"Oh really, I didn't know my eyes speak! (Trying to look at her own eyes)  Hello eyes! How are you? Talk with me as well like you talk with this man!" she said. 

"Khushi stop this.." Arnav pulled her near him.

"Leave me.." she pushed him, "You only know how to hurt me.. Do you know how much it hurt when you left me and went to New York? I kept waiting for you but you never came back.. And when Amma said that you're coming back with your family, do you know how happy I was? My Annav is coming here to meet me.. But no, my Annav doesn't even remember that the girl he kissed for the first time on his birthday party is me only.. Still I let this go and became friends with you and now today also you're doing same thing.. You're going away from me.. After letting me like you, get used to you.. You're going away..  Again!"

She looked away with tears in her eyes. 

Arnav looked at her dumbfounded.

"I will come back!" he said after a moment of silence in the kitchen.

"Don't come back.. Go away forever so that it's doesn't hurt me anymore when you come back and go away again.." she mocked.

Arnav held her arms and gritted his teeth, "I will come back to take you with me forever, samjhi tum?"

Khushi's eyes went wide.

Rabba vey.. Rabba vey..

"Kyun?" she whispered looking into his eyes. 

"I will reply this to you when I come back only now.." he said intensely with his eyes fixed on hers. 

At night..

Arnav and Aman took their bags and walked to leave after saying to good bye to the family.

Khushi was staring at Arnav with moist eyes. And same was state of Meera.

Arnav looked back at her and blinked his eyes assuring her that he will come back. 

Khushi took off her sandals and showed to him with 'You better come back only otherwise I will beat you up' look. 

Arnav shook his head smiling and stared at Aman who was waving back at Meera sadly.

"Oh-ho Romeo duty came in between love!" Arnav teased him. 

Aman pouted, "We have to come back!"

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