[Jaspers Past]

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Millie sits by a pond. Jasper has his arm around her as they talk about their pasts.

"Jasper Whitlock, suits you much better." Millie muses. "Did you have to change it?"

He laughs, "well I became apart of the Cullen family, darlin', I had to so I could fit in."

Millie makes a pouty face at him. "Well to me you're going to be Jasper Whitlock."

"Actually if you're usin' my full name I'd actually be called major Jasper Whitlock, youngest major in the confederate army." He corrects. He looks proud.

"Wait, when were you changed?" Millie asks. She feels as if she might have overstepped when Jasper doesn't reply straight away.

"1863." He answers after some silence. "I was evacuating women and children from towns. Whilst I was on my way back to the army I ran into three women who I offered my help to." Jasper looks down and clenches his fists. Millie kisses his knuckles gently as encouragement. He smiles at her. "Maria turned me. She had lost her territory to other covens, she recognised my uniform and figured I'd be useful in creating her vampire army." He pulls away from Millie before continuing. "We killed her sisters and many other vampires, she told me she loved me and I was young, confused and in love with a woman who never even loved me. Maria forced me to kill the newborn vampires after just a year, I could feel their pain and fear, Millie. I could feel them die." He looks pained as he speaks. "I had to leave."

"Is that how you found the Cullens?"

He shakes his head. "In 1948 I ran into Alice at a diner in Philadelphia. She was excited to finally meet me as she had visions about meeting me." Millie's eyes go wide, she'd have to ask about Alice after. "She told me about using animals instead of humans and that she was looking for the Cullens. She had seen that they were to become our family." He smiles.

"And the rest is history." Millie smiles, grabbing his hand back. "Literally-" she laughs. "You old man."

"Could an old man do this?" He asks before picking her up and throwing her in the air.

"Jasper!!" She screams, giggling. She felt weightless as she fell back into Jaspers arms.

He holds her bridal style and smiles warmly at her. He doesn't understand how she likes him but for now he is just enjoying every moment with her. "Carlisle and Esme really like you by the way." Jasper says, putting her down.

She lets out a relived breath. "I was so worried they wouldn't like me."

Jasper laughs, "how could they not." They sit back down at the pond. "I'm pretty sure Esme is already planning family activities for you to do with the family."

They sit at the pond and talk for hours. The outskirts of the pond is covered in flowers and wild grass with trees for shade. Millie likes it there and likes it even more because Jasper and her found it together.


This was a bit of a filler chapter, just wanted to let Millie get to know Jaspers past.

Hope you guys are enjoying! Don't forget to vote and comment if you're enjoying this so far!!


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