twenty seven

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Caspian had joined her and Peter, if only for a moment. She hadn't really considered the fact that she wouldn't ever see Caspian again. Not truly. Phoebe had taken him as a constant, someone who would always be there, and now he wouldn't. Besides, as much as Peter tried to put up a façade of being nonchalant, Phoebe could tell he would also miss the other boy. They hadn't properly told him that this was it, that they wouldn't be coming back.

Call her selfish, but Phoebe wanted her last moments with Caspian to be natural. To be normal. It reminded her, oddly enough, of the way she'd behaved the last time at Beruna when she hadn't told Peter what was coming. Distantly, she wondered if maybe Peter was thinking the same thing.

"I guess you're king now, hm?" Phoebe's voice was light, and Caspian looked away from the water to look at her.

"I guess so," he replied, his voice incredulous. Clearly, he couldn't quite believe it himself. "It feels like nothing's changed, but everything kind of has, you know?" Phoebe made a noise of assent.

"You'll be a good king, Caspian. You fought well today, anyway. The Narnians will respect you for that." To Phoebe's surprise, it was Peter who spoke next. She'd expected him to remain mostly silent for the conversation. "If we're going to leave Narnia in anyone's hands, I'm glad it's yours." Phoebe looked up to him, smiling slightly. Caspian seemed equally as shocked.

"Me too," Phoebe said, "I think you're the King the Narnians deserve." They fell into silence for a moment, all three of them. "You know, Caspian, I'll miss you." Both boys looked to her, Caspian's eyes softening. It was the truth, though. She would.

"It'll be strange not having you all around," Caspian said, still looking at her and Peter. "At least to stop me from making stupid decisions, and the like." Peter chuckled a little, and Phoebe smiled.

"I wonder what Aslan will do with the Telmarines," Phoebe said, "I doubt he'll kill them." Caspian made a hum of agreement. "I wonder what he'll do with us, for that matter. I'm sure he'll send us back, some way or another, but I wonder how he'll do it." Both boys looked to her then.

"He's a magic lion," Peter replied, his voice light, "He'll figure out a way. A magic door in the air, or something like that." Phoebe laughed a little. "It looks like most of the Narnians are here, anyway. Oughtn't we call him back?" They nodded, a little sadly. There was a sort of finality about it, about calling Aslan back. Most of the Telmarines seemed to have made their way to their side of the bank as well. Looking around briefly, Phoebe spotted the lion in question talking with Lucy - no real surprise there.

As Caspian left to go speak to Aslan, Peter put an arm around Phoebe's shoulders, drawing her closer to him. The gesture was so familiar now that Phoebe felt as though she fit well there, under Peter's arm. Lucy, Susan, and Edmund walked over to join them as the two arms converged, standing in front of Aslan and Caspian. Caspian cleared his throat, looking down at his feet for only a moment.

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