twenty six

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If she was honest, Phoebe was still in awe. Lucy had done it. She had brought back Aslan. She had saved the Narnians. Some deep part of her had doubted that she could, but Phoebe knew Lucy would manage it, one way or another. There was something about Lucy that was almost magical. After all, hadn't she been the one to discover Narnia in the first place? Still, as she and the others knelt there on the other side of the bank, Phoebe felt a great weight lift off her shoulders, but a sadness settled there instead.

It was over.

It really was over this time, She didn't know if she'd see Narnia again, she didn't know if there would be another story to tell. And it was upsetting, in some way. She knew that she'd had her time, that she'd lived and breathed in Narnia for long enough, and that it couldn't last forever, but now that it was over, she knew she would miss it.

In her peripheral vision, Phoebe saw a shadow pass before them, and she looked up, seeing that both Aslan and Lucy had stepped out of the water before them. The youngest Pevensie shot her a small smile, which Phoebe returned.

"Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia." She realised then just how much she had missed the lion. There was something about Aslan which was comforting. Nonetheless, she remained kneeling. Much as she wished she was, Phoebe knew she was no Queen of Narnia. She had helped save it, yes, but she had never ruled it. "All of you," the lion continued, and Phoebe looked up, meeting his eyes for the first time. The lion gave a minuscule nod, and Phoebe rose on shaky legs.

She didn't understand why it made her so emotional to truly be considered a Queen of Narnia, but something about it made her hold her head higher. She looked to her side to see that Caspian was still kneeling, his eyes trained on Aslan as hers had been.

"I am not ready," he said, his voice trembling, "I do not think I deserve the honour." The lion's eyes went soft, and he practically smiled.

"It is for that reason that I know you do," he replied, his tone content, "Narnia deserves a King such as yourself." At last, Caspian stood, rising to his feet. He almost seemed dazed, as if he hadn't expected to meet Aslan so soon. Phoebe could understand his fear. Surely it couldn't be easy being crowned King.

"Lucy," Phoebe spoke, extracting the cordial from her pocket, "I believe this is yours?" The younger girl's face lit up as Phoebe held it out to her. Lucy took it from her quickly, smiling as she cradled the bottle to her chest. Just then, music started playing, wafting up from the ground by their feet, and everyone gathered looked down to see Reepicheep being carried on a stretcher, accompanied by several other mice.

Immediately, Lucy bent down, uncorking the bottle of cordial Phoebe had given her moments ago and offering a drop to the mouse, who consumed it gratefully. Phoebe smiled down at the scene. She could almost imagine the Telmarine soldiers falling over themselves when they realised they were being attacked by mice.

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