Broken Bones 🔬

Start from the beginning

After finishing some minor cleaning, I decided to vacuum the floor. Immediately after I turned it on, the sound from the vacuum woke up my brother.

"Shut up! It's not a school day." Connor said as he threw a pillow at me still half asleep.

"No it's not," I told him. "I'm just cleaning."

He shot up to his feet, fully awake. Then he ran towards me and embrace me in his muscular arms.

"Gabe! Thank goodness you're alright. I didn't know when you would return and I had to take care of Vance and I.... I'm talking too much aren't I?"he asked and it made me laugh.

"Maybe you should get some sleep in your own bedroom. I'll finish cleaning and order take out." I told him but he preotest.

"No you don't, you just got back! Rest up."he told me as he swiped the vacuum from my hand and began to vacuum. "I don't need you getting stress and trying to jump off another building so go rest." Connor said more like a command. Well, he was older than me so I guess I could rest up before dinner.

As I entered my room, I reached over to the desk to grabbed a picture frame. I looked at my family photo with mom and dad behind me and Connor holding onto Vance.

I miss them.

I began to cry a little. If only they could see me now, they would be disappointed at my sad attempt to end my life.


A few weeks has past since I got my new 'leg'. Connor and Vance still don't know and I told Mr Wiston to come when Connor had classes and Vance was asleep.

Every week it would become like a routine, let Mr Wiston through the front door, pulled up my jeans, let Mr Wiston check on my leg and or do some repairs, then he would leave without a trace.

I really didn't want to keep this secret from my brothers but I can't let them find out because they would probably freak out. Well, Connor anyways, Vance is still too young to freak out in fact, I think he would find it cool. As for the fact of my education, I'm homeschooling myself for the rest of the year so people wouldn't see my leg. Connor also said to stay away from Jackson so I guessed it was a win win.

As I snapped out of my thoughts, I heard the sound of the phone ring.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hey baby bro, I kinda landed in jail. Can you bail me out? It's the one near my college." Connor's voice said over the phone a little worry. What did he do this time?

"On my way." I told him as I left to check on Vance. He was playing in his room so I told him to follow me. We went to our neighbour's house and knocked on the door.

"Gabe sweetheart, what a surprise! And you brought Vance, please come in, come in!"my neighbour Mrs Smith said.

"Actually Mrs Smith, I need your help." I told her and started to explain my situation.


"Alright, he's clear to go."the police officer said as he unlocked the cell and let Connor out.

"Thank you officers and I'm sorry for the trouble." Mrs Smith said as we left the police station and got into her car. Vance sat in front while me and Connor sat at the back.

"Now Connor dear, would you please explain what you did to get yourself in there?" Mrs Smith asked as she started to drive us home.

"I... beat up.... Jackson Preston." Connor said ashamed. "I only did it because he was talking smack about you!"

I looked down in disappointment. Even if I was at home, Jackson still finds new way to ruin my life. Of course Connor was the one that started it but... I'm tired, tired of everything.

Mrs Smith pulled up on our driveway and let us off. We said goodbye before entering our house.

After I tucked Vance in, I sat next to Connor on the couch. We were watvhing some late night news.

"I'm sorry." I told Connor.

"Sorry for what?" Connor asked. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I'm sorry that you have to be strong to keep this family together. I'm sorry that I lead you to hate your former best friend. I'm sorry I was born. And I'm s....." I tried to say through the tears but Connor shut me up.

"Don't. Those aren't the things you should be sorry for. I'm glad you were born. You're the one that gave me a reality check on who were my real friends and forced me to be stronger."he told me as he whipped the tears that were flowing down my face. "You don't even have to say sorry for not telling me about your leg."

"You knew?" I asked in shocked and he nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because, I knew you would tell me evantually when everything calms down. But if keeping it a secret is too much for you, I wanted to take that off your shoulders. Don't want anymore of my brother to be replace with cyborg parts."he said staring bavk at the TV.

"Thanks." I told him as I slowly fell into deep sleep.


"And for our next speaker, I would like to introduce, Gabe Lockland. He will answer any questions you have about our cyborg project" Mr Wiston said as he handed me the mic and I got on stage.

"Mr Lockland! How long have you praticipated in the cyborg project?"a reporter asked.

"I've been with the cyborg project since it was first introduced to me 5 years ago. I still have the leg to prove it." I said jokingly and everyone laughed.

"Mr Lockland! Do you think the cyborg project has helped you grow as a person?"another reporter asked.

"Yes." I gave her a simple answer.

"Mr Lockland! Who has been your biggest supporter through this project?"yet another reporter asked.

I scanned the room and saw both my brothers sitting in the front row. Vance was ten now and Connor was happily married to his college sweetheart.

"I don't have someone who is my biggest supporter, I have two, my brothers. Over the last 5 years, they have always been there for me, they have been my rock and that's why I love them. They are here tonight but unfortunately, they're camera shy so.... last question." I sais looking at them. Vance sticked out his touge annoyed but Connor just sat there and laughed.

"Mr Lockland?"someone asked snapping me back to reality.

"Yes?" I asked focus now.

"What do you have to say to the people who wants to enter the cyborg project but are still on the fence about it?"the last reporter asked.

I thought about it for a while, that was a tough one. After a few minutes, I finally got it.

"5 years ago, I was scared. I was so scared of the world I wanted to leave it. But now, I'm glad I didn't. When I got this new leg, it was weird at first but I gotten over it pretty quickly. Those who worry about being a freak, know that there are others like you. Those who are worry about rejection, your family will accept you. Those who are just generally afraid, dare to take a risk like the many others." I told them as all the people who praticipated in this project got on stage with me. "Weather you choose to go on with this project or not, know that they will always be someone there with. It's life changging for those who were born without a certain limp. But it's a support system for those with broken bones."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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