It Started With A Smile (Original, Unedited)

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This is the story of my first love, this is not a fiction. It happened 8 years ago. It was when I'm in high school. This is my side of the story… the only thing I have left of her. This is just another walk to remember…

Here's detailed information about the school we went in, well you can skip this part, it doesn't matter. I just don't want to explain this stuff when I'm telling my story…

Our school has strict rules and guidelines that the students must follow if they wouldn't want to deal with the consequences later. One of the rules is that in-school relationships are not allowed. There is a tradition in that school that every student should treat each other as brother and sister. Lower years should show respect to their higher year. 4th years serve as "Angel" to the 1st years that are called "souls". They guide and help them until they graduate, after they graduate, the incoming 4th years will be also responsible for the new freshmen. That cycle goes on and on. So for every 1st year student they are assigned to a 4th year of the same gender. Sometimes there are multiple souls assigned to one angel due to there are more enrollees than student that reach the 4th year. You can only enroll in our school through the freshmen years, transferees are not allowed. So as higher your year gets the lower your batch will be due to the cut off on the grades. Grades lower than 85 (99 as the highest) will be expelled when the school year end. When I was a freshman our 4th years that time were only less than 50 and we were 120 freshmen.

Our school has a principal and teachers just like any school but the nice thing about our school is that the 4th years are in charge almost about everything. Instructors stay at the faculty room, they only need to care about their subjects and the grades of the students. In every batch of 4th years there are individuals that are chosen by the batch that graduated before them to lean the school. Meaning during the graduation of the previous batch, they will choose among the 3rd years that will precede them in their positions. The positions are called school ministers, it's a small government within the school but it's not that bad.

4th years are in charge of school activities, such as 2 kinds of camping, school events, clubs, and there are a pair of 4th years (boy and girl) that are assigned for every classroom. They help with the class decorations, problems that might occur in the classrooms, and they provide additional information to the class from the ministers or instructors.

3rd years are in charge of YDT (youth development training), it acts as a sports activity held once a week, held mostly every Friday, after lunch. It includes sports like basketball, volleyball, board games like chess, etc. In YDT there are 4 teams holding different team colour. In the start of the school year the freshmen are assigned to their respective team randomly. YDT leaders are also assigned in way its similar to the selection of school ministers. Outgoing 3rd year will assign the next team leader among the 2nd years in the team. Besides the team leaders there are 3rd years that are selected to lead all the teams, they are called the YDT directors. They came from different teams when they were in the second year but as they take their position they won't be in any team anymore. They are responsible for the sports fest, cheering competitions and revenue for the YDT. YDT are held in our university gym but sometimes the university is using it so they have to find a substitute gym or place within the city. YDT seems to be training for the 3rd years so that they would be able to lead the school when they turn 4th year. 4th year are not included in the YDT because they have to focus on their thesis and subjects so that they can graduate.

Thesis projects starts at second year to 4th year but the thesis for the lower years are quite simple and acts as a practice for their skills in research and team handling.

It seems a nice school to enrol in as long as you keep your grades in the passing zone. Some of the teachers are kind enough to give additional percentives or projects to students that deserve it. Everyone works together. If I have to repeat everything in my life I'd still choose that school.

It Started With A Smile (Original, Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now