Chapter 38: All I could do was stare in wonder and horror...

Start from the beginning

"You're clear?" I yelled to Alex.

"Yup," he yelled back, having thrown two guns and three small knives behind him.

"Alright, lets do this," mostly whispering to myself. He walked closer to me, stopping only a few feet away. 

"All this time," Alex mused, "If I had known you were an assassin- and possibly the assassin everyone's been looking for- I would've killed you earlier. Well, better late then never."

"You're sick."

He shrugged it off and a millisecond later he swung his right leg towards my head. I dodged it easily and grabbed a hold of his leg twisting it. He was prepared and used the twisting momentum to swing his other leg over, making a painful contact with my cheek. 

I stumbled backwards but caught myself before I fell. Alex rushed towards me and swung his fists in rapid processions. I deflected as many as I could but after the first few hits on my right arm I started to lose it.

"Bullet still in there?" Alex rasped. "It's too bad. That bullet happens to be poisoned. If you don't get it out on time, your arm will have to be amputated," he smiled sickenly, "But don't worry, you won't have to amputate it cause you'll be dead."

"Ohhkaay?" This guy sucks at being the villain. He grunted in annoyance and continued his assault, using a combination of arms and legs this time. It will really suck if the bullet still in my right arm was posioned like he said. I fear it is, though.

"Come on, Anne! You can do it!" I vaguely heard someone yell, but my mind was more focused on the task at hand. I made a grab for his arm flying at me and quickly moved it over my shoulder leaving him behind me. Without hesitation, I used my back to propell him over me. It was heaven to my ears when I heard the satisfying thump and groan coming from he floor.

Without a second to lose, I jumped on his stomach and delivered a series of punches to his face. The pain on my right arm began to feel unbearable as it reached my shoulder. The adrenaline must be spreading the poison faster. 

A pause was all he needed as he pushed me off of him. I was pushed over his head and landed on my back... now it was my turn to squeak out a complaint.

"Mom! Dad!" I heard my brothers again. It's useless to be screaming out for Mom and Dad. Seeing me like this must be freaking them out.

I rolled back to my knees but was flung back by a kick to my chin. If I wasn't trained right, that kick could've decapitated me. Alex stood over me for a second before reaching down to grab the front collar of my shirt. 

"You're dead now, Henric-" he stopped midsentence as I spit a big hefty saliva intermingled with blood loogie at his face. As he frantically wiped it away with his hand, I took the opportunity to punch him where the sun don't shine. He keeled over and I righted myself, standing over him this time. 

Unlike him, I don't revel in revealing my plans to my victims. Instead, I like to get to the bottom of it, when needed.

I kicked his exposed face, hearing a crunch, and presumed kicking his back. He's going to have back problems for a looooong time.

Lost in time, it was a while before hands pried me away from Alex's immobile body. I know for sure I didn't kill him, but if he doesn't get to a hospital quickly then it could prove to be fatal.

"Anne! Honey! It's alright now, Mommy's here," I heard the person restraining me say.

It can't possibly be... Mom.

My breaths came out harshly as I slowly turned around within the arms of... MOM.

Oh My God.

Did she see??

Of course she saw.

Oh man, oh man. I'm so dead!

"Mom!" I stared in panic at her sad face. Not a hint of surprise was present. 

Did she know...about me?

"What. Wh-what are you doing here?" I stumbled to get the words out. Why am I the only one freaking out right now?!

"We received-"


"Your father and I received a call from Johnny and we just had to get here. And good thing too! Why didn't you tell us you were in trouble?"

"Umm. Sorry mom, I don't know. I'm still trying to process this in my brain. Give me a minute."

"Go sit with your brothers over there," she pointed to John and Alex sitting on the floor with Dad giving them, what looks like, a lecture, "Take as long as you need. Your father and I will handle the rest."

"The rest?"

She nodded behind me and I saw Victor and a couple of his henchmen holding handguns pointed at all of us. There were less henchmen than before- only eight now- a few were lying unconcious on the ground.

My mother pushed my injured body towards my sitting brothers and sat me down, "John, Alex, close your eyes. I mean it." Immediately, the boys closed their eyes, even going as far as plugging their ears with their hands.

All I could do was stare in wonder and horror as both of my once cookie-cutter parents turned into killing machines right before my eyes. 


Author's Note: (non-edittedd)

It's officially August 30, 12:20am in California.... AND IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! 

I'm now 24 years young ^.^

I went through so many plot changes in this chapter. I was actually going to do something drastic but decided since it's my birthday I won't make you

I hope you guys like it! I'll probably go back and edit it more- add/delete some scenes. 


[[P.S. Would you guys like me to add the parent's fighting scene at the end? I don't have it completely written down, but I could do it if majority would like it! If not, it's cool too :) ]] 


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