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Hey guys! I've been approached by an agency that wants to publish my story. 

SIIKKEEEE!!! Just kidding


Ok, so what I want to say is: I'm sorry for taking so long to write the next chapter! It's unlike me to take so long, and I know it :/

I've been EXTREMELY busy with summer classes and headaches, but I'm finally done with one supremely hard (at least for me) Accounting and Finance Class! Today was the last day and I think I did very well on the final exam ^.^. I don't have any more classes until the 25th! For the next week and a half I'll try to whip out a couple of chapters like HOT TAMALES!

Also, I wanted to take the time to let you guys know that I haven't forgotten about the story!! I've received quiet a few messages from disgruntled readers asking why I've suddenly stopped writing- as if I'll ever stop writing..! ba-ha... ba-ha... ba-ha, don't make me laugh. XD

On a serious note, please don't hate me anymore :(. It's not fun reading messages with not so nice words ( albeit good intentions.). I won't sit back anymore and apologize for taking an itty bitty break from the story, don't make me go Jackie Chan on you. (Drunken Master FTW. Not that I'm a drunk...or anything....).



I TOTALLY appreciate every single one of you for reading my story! I'm eternally grateful for all the support I've received! <3

Please continue voting and reading and commenting your opinions and stuff!! <3 


P.S. I've attached one of my favorite fighting scenes from Drunken Master, for your viewing pleasure :). Jackie Chan is seriously the best! ^.^

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