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Onika's POV

November 10(4:15pm)

I just got to the hospital and tried walking straight to her room but yet again the same nurse stopped me "Who are you visiting?" She asked still with the attitude "Beyoncé Knowles" I said still walking past. I made it to her room and saw her at the window looking out of it with tears. Solana was coming soon so it would just be me and her I brought her some food since the doctor called and said she still wouldn't eat. I knocked on her door and she quickly turned around and looked at me she wiped her tears and put on a smile "hey pouvez-vous me ramener à la maison maintenant(hey can you take me home now)?" She said I just have her a sad smile "
j'ai oublié que tu ne me comprends pas( I forgot you don't understand me)" she said.

I sat on her bed and pulled out her food, I motioned for her to come over and she did slowly and cautiously. When she sat down she looked at me and I moved her food towards her nodding for her to eat she ate like she did the first time I was her so I put my hand on her shoulder making her jump back from me and give me wide eyes "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" I said she just looked at me and slowly got back to eating while keeping an eye on me Solana walked in and Beyonce smiled "Salut, comment vas tu?(hey how are you?)" Solana asked her "Je vais bien je suis juste fatigué(I'm okay just tired)" she replied I really don't know whats going on but I don't like feeling left out "What is she saying?" I asked looking between the two. "I asked how she was and she said okay just tired" I nodded and looked at the girl. She continued eating and once s he was done she threw away her food "Can you ask her if she's ever been to school" Solana translated what I said to her "Quelle est l'école, j'en ai entendu parler avant mais je ne savais jamais vraiment ce que c'était(What is school, I've heard of it before I never really knew what is was)" She said Solana shook her head no "She's never been or knew what it is" she said sadly.

I put away my food since it was still some left and I moved to sit next to her, she wasn't as comfortable with me as she was before "What's wrong?" I said "Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" "Je ne lui fais pas confiance, même si elle m'a sauvé, je ne peux pas( I don't trust her, even if she did save me I can't.)" "She umm... she doesn't like you well trust you." Solana said "Why what did I do to her?" "You did nothing she said she can't it's probably because of whats shes been through, just try and gain it... and maybe learn French too I think that can help." She said while Beyonce just looked at us with confused eyes. Her doctor walked in and she started shaking so I pulled her into me she was about to runaway when I grabbed her but she realized it was me and relaxed some, she held me tightly the doctor cleared his throat "Her health isn't increasing I think we should consider her being taken home they only times her health increases is when she's with you miss Maraj, if that is okay of course." I looked down at Beyoncé and she looked up at me with wide and confused eyes.

"Yes, she can stay with me." I smiled at her then looked at the doctor he nodded "I'll just have to do one last check then I can get her things for her to go. There will be a nurse that will come to your house and do her check ups some days out of the week." I nodded he did the checks and she just whimpered, What's your story Knowles.
She was in the bathroom changing clothes when we told her she was coming with me she started crying and thanking me according to Solana "Nic I think she has a real fear of people like I know you can be nervous and things but this is not that this is way worse, when we first came she didn't know what a doctor was and even after I explained to her she still couldn't take that he was touching her." "I know, I just want to help her, as far as we know she doesn't know a single thing about the real world. Whoever had her did a real good job of keeping it on the low." I said I don't know what or how to take care of her but I want to.

She walked out of the restroom with her now clean white dress and her flower crown she looked like she came from heaven since her skin was clean from the dirt and blood and her hair was washed her Gold locks shined and blended well with the brown roots "You ready?" I asked "tu es prêt?" Solana said "oui merci encore(yes thank you again)" Beyoncé said looking at me with a smile. She is a bit taller than me so she looked down some usually when people do that I get mad but this was different. I grabbed her hand and led her to the receptionist desk she held my hand tighter since it was a good amount of people around the hospital gave her some slides " I'm checking out Beyoncé Knowles" I said to the nurse from before "Who authorized this?" She asked like she knew damn well this wasn't happening "Her doctor now are you gonna let me check her out or are gonna continue to be a bitch?" I asked

The doctor came with a light smile "Ms.Maraj is checking out Ms.Knowles, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." He said now looking at me, he passed me a clip board with the papers to sign and some medicine. He explained the things I needed to do for her as her care taker and the things she also needed to do which Solana translated to her, we both understood and went outside to my car Lana parked near me so her and I were outside talking "What are you gonna do when you have to go to school and she has to stay at home?" She asked "I plan on leaving her at home we'll figure it out before Monday" "Does Cardi know about her?" "N-No I haven't told Cardi if I did she'd probably would have told me to leave her at the hospital." I said, Cardi is my girlfriend we've been dating for about a good 3-4 months. She's a bit more of the show out type but behind close doors it's not as bad. "Just make sure she doesn't hurt her, you already know I don't like her." Lana said "I won't let that happen I promise." We got in our cars and I put the key in to star the car I looked at Bey to see her playing with her fingers. I opened my google translator app that I downloaded last night. "Do you want something to eat before we go to my house?" I said into the phone it translated and she instantly turned and looked between me and my phone confused "comment avez-vous fait cela, je pensais que vous ne pouviez pas me comprendre" my phone translated it "How can you do that, I thought you couldn't understand me" she had big eyes and back away from my phone making me laugh some "it's an app that translates what we say so we both can understand but do you want something to eat?" I said into it she spoke
"oh quelle est une application et non je vais bien, je veux juste quitter" translating to "oh what is a app and no I just want to leave" I nodded and pulled off I'll get her some clothes soon, how am I gonna tell Cardi.
This was supposed to be out yesterday but I was watching bird box and other movies. But fam that movie was it like I loved it yet I was still sad anyways I'm gonna update again today but later for this book I need to update the others and I might update all of them again tomorrow as Christmas gifts🥰

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