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Onika's POV

November 8(2 days later 5:56pm)

I just got out of school and I'm headed to the hospital I gave the doctor my phone number since I'm the only person that knows her even though I know nothing about her. I told my mom and she didn't believe me so she's coming up to the hospital a little later. I parked in the parking lot and went inside with a straight face I don't like hospitals they never really led to anything good. I walk past the receptionist desk only to be stopped by a nurse "Excuse me ma'am where are you going?" she asked with a attitude "I'm here to see someone." I said with no real emotion in my voice "Well can you tell me what patient your visiting>" she said in a duh tone. "I don't know her name I just know what room she's in and what day she came, now me staying here talking to you isn't going to get you anywhere because that attitude you have is not what I planned on dealing with and I will not let it ruin my mood, so if you would excuse me I have someone I need to see." I said walking off.

I made it to her room door seeing it was cracked I lightly knocked and walked inside, she wasn't in her bed so that meant she was in the restroom. After a few minutes she came out with a small sad face until she saw me sitting on her bed she put on a huge smile ad hugged me "Je pensais que tu ne reviendrais pas(I thought you weren't coming back)" she said "I really don't know what your saying." I said giving her a sad face as she let me go and she sat with her legs crossed "J'ai hâte de quitter cet endroit, je veux rentrer chez moi, personne ne me comprend(I can't wait t leave this place no one understands me)" she spoke "I just looked at her taking in her features, she's really beautiful I don't understand how she ended up out there in the woods that late on top of that that hurt. She had bandages covering most of her body but mainly her arms from what I could see. "What's your name?" I asked even though she may not understand me "Mon quoi, je comprends à peine ce que tu dis(My what, I can barely understand the things you say.)" she replied with a confused face.

The doctor walked in "Miss Maraj may I speak with you outside please?' he asked I followed him out and he began to talk "She had a miscarriage a while back but didn't go to the doctor to get it removed we figured that out after her surgery. She has a few broken ribs a fractured arm and leg and some minium lung problems. We believe she's no older than 17 proved from the CAT scans and procedures that have been done." he said "Do you know her name or is that still a no brainer?" I asked 'I believe that she's not even from the United States and if she is she has never been identified meaning she was't even born in a hospital." "How does that even happen?" "I don't think it does. She needs to stay her for about a week or maybe two it depends on her healing process and her cooperation." I nodded at his words "i'll be here for a while today and comeback as much as I can." "Of couse and I thank you for that. She's been sitting and waiting for you I believe, the only problem we've had so far besides all the obvious stuff is that she won't eat. She'll pick at it but other than that nothing." "I'll se if I can get her something she'll eat." he nodded and let me walk back into her room and she smiled seeing me walk back in "S'il vous plaît dites-moi que je peux rentrer à la maison(Please tell me I can go home)"she said looking at me with hopefulness. I sat on her bed facing her "I need you to eat babes" I said she looked at me confused so I made a gesture towards eating and she nodded her head slowly understanding me "Je ne veux pas manger ici c'est dégoûtant je peux attendre jusqu'à ce que je rentre à la maison(I don't want to eat here t's disgusting I can wait til I get home)" she said shaking her head no and smiling at the end.

My mom had came through the door since I had already sent her the room number and thing "Oh my... What happened to her?" she asked as she walked up to us making the girl back up some scared, she was still scared of me that was evident she wasn't shaking as much but she kept her distance when I didn't hug her back like she hugged me. "Alot, she doesn't speak English and she has nothing in the system to identify her," I said the girl just sat there looking between me and my mom scared moving herself into the upper corner of her bed "S'il te plait, ne me fais pas de mal, je ne veux plus revivre ça(Please don't hurt me I don't want to go through that again)" she said "She speaks French" my mom said "What?" "She speaks French, she may not be from here at all." I looked at her "Why are you such a mystery?" she just looked at me scared "Je pensais que tu allais m'aider(I thought you were gonna help me)" she said pulling her legs into her chest. "What?" I asked moving near her she tried backing away but was stuck in that spot "She's afraid of us" my mom said "You understand her?" I asked confused and shocked "No chile it's obvious from her body language." she said shaking her head.

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