Though, she is thankful that the Cullens are gone. Maybe, just maybe the thought will disappear from Bella's mind as they had from their lives. Aaron just wanted to live a peaceful normal human life now. That's all she wanted.

"Thank you, Billy. If you get any more information, will you let me know?" she asked as her mouth suddenly got dry. He nodded and before anyone knew it, she was out the door walking towards her motorcycle.

Her mind was swimming with the information. It almost felt as if she was crazy. Aaron prayed that the Cullens would stay away because if they didn't she might just lose the last thing she felt like she had control over.


"You want to go on a hike?"

Aaron looked up from her homework to see her sister ready to go. It confused the girl on why she wanted to hike, but Aaron didn't want to do math so she shoved the book aside and went with her.

The two of them made small talk as Bella drove, Aaron keeping her secret from her. She didn't want to tell Bella, not just yet. Besides, she might find out about the wolves and that was a secret she couldn't risk telling anyone.

"Do you think of Jasper at all?" Bella questioned as they made their way through the trees. Aaron bit her lip as she ducked under a big tree branch. It was a question that she hated the answer to. If she could change it she would.

"Unfortunately, yes." Bella looked at her in confusion. "I don't want too. Why would I want too? He promised he'd be there for me and yet he wasn't. He left when things got tough, how could I trust him after that?"

It dawned on Aaron due to Bella's silence that she never thought of it like that. It also showed her that if Edward ever came back, she'd run into him with open arms.

"I think you are being too hard on Jasper. He just has no control, that's all." Aaron snorted at her sister before mumbling a 'yeah okay' to her words. She did not believe that one bit. When it came to her, he had every bit of self-control.

They fell into silence as they found their way to the meadow. The heartbroken look on Aaron's face made her realize that just like her and Jasper, Bella and Edward had a place too, and this was it. It was dead and disgusting looking.

Aaron pulled Bella closer and a bit behind her when she noticed the vampire across the field. Her sister was confused until she saw him too. The gut feeling told Aaron that this was not going to be pretty.


He smiled. "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you girls here." He was a bit closer now making Aaron push them back a step. Laurent tilted his head at the action before continuing. "I went to visit the Cullens, but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you two behind. Weren't you guys sort of a pet of theirs?" he questioned, fear beginning to dawn on the two girls.

"Um... something like that," Bella mumbled out trying to ignore the pinch Aaron gave her. She was trying to get her to shut up, but it seemed like Laurent wasn't going to give up just yet.

Laurent began to walk back and forth. It reminded Aaron of a hawk circling its prey. "Do the Cullens visit often?" he asked making Aaron get into a fighting stance. She was hoping that these powers of her allowed her hand to be intact if she punches him.

"Absolutely. All the time." Aaron looked at her in confusion, but then it dawned on her that Bella was just trying to save their lives. "I'll tell them you stopped by," she told him trailing off a bit. It was a tense situation. He sped right in front of them making their hearts jump.

His eyes were a blood-red, but Aaron could tell that he was hungry. "I came back here as a favor to Victoria. She asked me to get the lay of the land with the Cullens. Because, well... I'm afraid Victoria is quite put out with you two," he informed them making Aaron tighten her grip. Any tighter and Bella might lose feeling.

"That's too bad," Aaron snarled trying to establish dominance even though he could rip her apart in two seconds. His lips just twitched. It seemed like he couldn't tell if he liked the way she acted.

"Yes. She feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. Eye for an eye, mate for a mate. And Murphy was her best friend, Aaron. You'll have to die too," he taunted her licking his lips. Aaron heard Bella gasp and grab ahold of her shirt.

Desperate to stay alive, Bella wouldn't stop talking much to Aaron's dismay. "Edward and Jasper will know who did it. They'll come after both of you," she yelled hoping that it would stop him. It only earned a laugh.

"I don't think they will. After all, how much could you mean to them if they left you here unprotected? Victoria sent me here for information. She won't be happy about my killing you," He said shaking his a head bit. If only Jasper hadn't broken his promise. Aaron thought to herself. He turned sincere, but it sounded fake to the brunette. "No, no, no. Don't be upset. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully - whereas I'll make it very quick. And you both smell so... mouthwatering."

Aaron couldn't help herself when Laurent touched her face. She swung and hit him straight across his face, cracking it a bit. All three of them were in shock due to the fact that her hand was perfectly intact. Aaron smirked since there was no pain and looked at Laurent.

"Fucker," she snarled before kicking him in the stomach. The two of them began to fight making Bella step back in disbelief. Laurent went to claw her face but she stopped it before snapping it clean off.

He snarled at her and kicked her in the stomach, making her fly backward and gasp for breath. Bella ran towards her and just as Laurent was about to finish both of them off a big black wolf emerged from the woods.

"I don't believe it," Laurent mumbled. The wolf was enough to distract him from the girls for Bella to get Aaron up off of the ground. More wolves came from the woods, the russet brown one stopping to look at her. Aaron instantly recognized the eyes and knew that Jacob had phased. They ran after Laurent making the girls run as fast as they could back to the truck.

"How is Jacob?" Aaron questioned trying to ignore the pain as Bella drove hazardously throughout the streets to get back home. She had almost taken the turn to go to the Cullen house but corrected herself before she did.

Bella scoffed at her sister, taking her eyes off of the road for a brief second. "You just fought a vampire, got kicked in the stomach, and say giant wolves and you are asking about Jacob?" she shouted earning a raised eyebrow from Aaron. "Fine, he hasn't talked to me. There, happy?"

Aaron was not happy because she knew deep down that it was going to cause more problems for her in the long run. Plus, Jake was there for Bella when she couldn't be and that bond had to be broken now.

"Aaron! What happened?" Charlie yelled as soon as they got into the house. He and Bella helped her into a chair as Harry got an ice pack out.

"I fell and hit a log when rolling down the hill. I'm fine," she lied, although she knew Harry knew she was lying.

Bella started rambling then. "They're not giant bears, we saw them. Up in a meadow -" She was cut off by their father, who seemed to be really angry at her.

"Damn it, I told you not to go into the woods!" Aaron raised an eyebrow. That was news to her. If she would have known, she wouldn't have gone out there and kept her inside. Harry was the only calm man out of the two who asked her what she had seen.

"Wolves. They're wolves, Dad. Five of them. The size of cars. I swear. They went after - something - and we ran. That's when Aaron tripped and got hurt."

As their father began to get a hunting party ready, Aaron worried about the wolves and how this was going to affect them. She also worried about the fact that Victoria was going to come after them soon, but now that she knew she could punch a vampire in the face without getting hurt, it was going to be one hell of a battle.

Suddenly, Aaron wished Jasper was here right now. And not for the cute lovey-dovey stuff that they used to do. No, she wanted to do something else.

She wanted to punch him in the face.

authors note: lmk what you think! Aaron can punch vampires in the face? What? I also posted an original werewolf story on fallenperidot check it out!

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