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As the months passed Aaron slowly glued herself back together. Though, the pieces were put back in the wrong place making her resemble something that Picasso would have created.

Bella was the worse out of the two of them. She hardly left the house and didn't try in school anymore. At least Aaron was still the same in smartmouthing her teachers and did the same amount of work that she did beforehand.

But today was different, today was Aaron Swans 18th birthday and she was going to party the fuck out of it. Plus it was Halloween night, a night full of mischief.

Some brat was throwing a party and by some miracle, Aaron got an invitation to it. Probably because she was being pitied, but that wasn't going to stop her.

Looking in the mirror, she adjusted her headband that held the antennas that completed her bee outfit. She grabbed her coat that covered the whole thing considering Charlie would have a fit over it.

He started staying home a little bit more once the two of them started acting weird. Though, he still made enough money to get her a brand new laptop. Not that she needed it or anything it was just a ploy to try to make her happy.

"Where are you going?" Charlie asked hearing the familiar stomp of Aarons boots. He didn't even look away from the game that was on the TV as she passed by him.

"Out." Was all that she offered before leaving the house. It shocked Charlie that she was actually going out, but at the same time, she was making more of an effort than Bella right now.

As Aaron straddled her bike she looked up to see her sister staring at her. She offered her a short wave before revving her bike and driving off into the night.

The days without Jasper has been hard. He had helped her get through everything that happened with Murphy only to break her all over again. She was tired of being hurt by those who said they loved her.

When she arrived at the party it was already in full swing. Instantly, she grabbed a red solo cup and filled it with the cheap beer that the teens bought. She downed her first cup before filling it up once more to look around the party.

She recognized Mike and Jessica who were together and a few others in her class. The rest she didn't really know, but that didn't stop her from going out onto the makeshift dance floor.

The group welcomed her as they pressed their bodies together to the beat of the music. Aaron felt relaxed for the first time since Jasper had left. She threw her head back and laughed at the guy who was trying to hit on her, but that's when she saw him.


He was standing in the crowd watching her as she danced, though when she blinked he was gone. She just huffed. It was just a figment of my imagination.

"Yo! Swan!"

Aaron broke away from the dancing towards the voice. It was the boy who had found her the night Jasper left. "Paul right?" she questioned pointing at him. "Dad told me your name when I woke up the next day. Thanks for saving me I guess," she mumbled with a fake smile.

Paul just laughed. "No problem, though you don't look too good. Maybe a nap?" he suggested making her roll her eyes before getting something stronger in her cup.

"I'm fine," she mumbled again into the cup before drowning herself in the vodka. It was clear to Paul and everyone else here that she wasn't fine, though he was just going to let it go.

"What brings you here?" he questioned her as he crossed his arms and leaned back onto the wall. Aaron just snorted at how cool he was trying to look. Though he was getting attention from some of the girls around them.

Arms | JASPER HALE [02] ✓Where stories live. Discover now