"What made you want to do a visual album?" Graham asks.

"With a lot of artists we all want to have a music video for all of our songs so that people can see what we want them to see as opposed to them interpreting it wrong." I pause for a second. "Having a visual album isn't always easy because it's a lot, it costs so much money and just getting the whole production together is a lot. You have to get your label onboard which can be different since they are often referring you to which songs should be singles."

"You are signed to Bad Boy Ent." I nod my head at this statement. "What is it like to be signed to your father's company?"

"We definitely have our conflict since I'm under his label but my mom is one of my managers. It takes alot to really get my point across since my music isn't the same genre as the other artists that he represents. I kind of dabble here and there so it's harder since we don't have the same vision." I finish with a shrug.

"You have been known for having your ex boyfriend star in your music videos." I smirk as Graham brings this up and the crowd go 'oooh'. "How did you parents deal with that?"

"My mother really didn't like being in my music videos just because when we were off, we weren't the best people to be around and it made sense. My dad is actually pretty cool with him so when we were good then my dad was good but when things were bad then my dad would make his feelings clear."

"Is Christian de Luca in the whole album?" Graham asks and everyone turns to look at me.

"Oooh chile, y'all really wanna know." I laugh. "He isn't in every single video but he is in majority of the videos just because they were based around our relationship."

"Christian is now a billionaire." I give him a tight smile, "From the information given by De Luca & Rizzo he will soon be taking over the company."

I clap at this.

"Yes and I am so proud of him. He is a phenomenal designer, he has actually had multiple collections of his own with the company so he'll be just fine."

"Talk about ex girlfriend goals." We all laugh at this.

"I'm actually head to toe in De Luca & Rizzo." I state. Graham goes on to ask a few more questions about cosmetics line before he introduces Michael. Michael greets everyone before kissing my cheek and sitting down besides me.

"New boyfriend." Graham comments and I awkwardly slide down in my seat which causes everyone to laugh. "Welcome Michael B Jordan."

"Thank you." He responds and I hear a few girls whistle at him so I place one hand over his knee while staring at them.

"Don't play with Luxury's man." Graham says as we laugh.

"How long have you two been dating?" Graham asks, Michael and I look at eachother

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"How long have you two been dating?" Graham asks, Michael and I look at eachother. I genuinely don't even know so I leave it to Michael to respond.

Michael scratches the back of his head, "We've been dating for what appears to be a few months. 2 or 3, maybe 4?"

"Basically you don't know." Graham straight up says and I laugh while clapping.

"We've been on and off so we are not a hundred percent sure." I add.

Graham then asks Michael more about Creed 2 which is exciting.

"So, not to stir the teapot." Graham lifts his cup to his lips and I shake my head while laughing. "How do you deal with your girlfriend working with her ex? In Hollywood everyone is always working with their exes but how do you deal with it?"

I look up at Michael, interested to hear his response.

"It definitely has it's hard points because at some point in her life, he had played a crucial part. I haven't even know her a year but they've known eachother for almost a decade so it's about getting rid of that insecurity. My insecurity towards their work relationship has definitely played a part in us breaking up." He grabs a hold of my hand and lifts it up. "Luxe means so much to me. I always feel bad about breaking her heart but I feel like I have a lot to live up to, they've experienced so much together and I haven't even experienced a fraction of that."

"As I should." I comment before covering my mouth in embarrassment.

"You just have to trust your partner." He looks up at Graham. "Trust is definitely key to dealing with that."

"Do you trust me?" I ask and he looks down at me with a smile.

"I do. I trust you, Luxe." He gives me a brief kiss which is well received by the audience.

"Can I perform now or do I need to finish watching this romcom?" Chris jokingly questions and Graham dramatically wipes at his eyes.

Later on we played the red chair as well as watching Coldplay perform which was so dope, I also got to perform Flowers. The cutest thing about my performance was that Michael actually came out with flowers towards the end of my performance.

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