Chapter 31

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Posted 8 hours ago

LuxeLopez: X FACTOR @Elle @Serayah

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I pose as Shayla takes my pictures and you know she's catching the right angles.

I pose as Shayla takes my pictures and you know she's catching the right angles

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"Fuck my life, it's so fucking cold." I complain as we begin to roll our suitcase to the hotel. We both have three suitcases even though we are going to be here for a few days but nobody needs to see that. 

We flew in quite late for the show so I had to bring my suitcase to show and glam up in the car since we didn't have time to go to our hotel. We went back with Elle to her apartment but we left early morning because her and Juan were getting it on like crazy. They're not exactly the quietest people but I can respect the fact that they allowed us to sleep before they began their sex fest.

"I know right but it's our fault for coming during the winter." She pauses for a second. "Yours actually since we are here for you."

"I really appreciate you coming down to London for me." I say as I pull her in for a hug.


We have to hurry and check in because I have to change for the BBC Live Lounge. Mine is at 12 and it's currently 10 am. We would've came earlier but it was hella dark at 7 am,  I wasn't tryna be out in the dark like that without any security.


From the videos that I have seen, celebrities tend to dress quite casual chic while here so I settled on being comfy yet sexy with my makeup being the focal part of my look.

I'm wearing a taupe nude crop top with white sweatpants and nude heels. Shayla is wearing a black crop top with black striped white pants along with black heels and she has paired her look with a jean jacket so I ended up putting on a white fur coat.

 Shayla is wearing a black crop top with black striped white pants along with black heels and she has paired her look with a jean jacket so I ended up putting on a white fur coat

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Posted 20 minutes ago

LuxeLopez: BBC Live Lounge

554,586 likes ~ 12,384 comments

Posted 1 hours ago

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Posted 1 hours ago

Shayla: London btw it's cold as hell but slay never stops.

986,978 likes ~ 18,384 comments

As soon as we left the hotel room we were bombarded by the paparazzi, I'm surprised that they knew where we were staying plus we had quite a lot of fans outside. I signed as many pictures as I could as well taking as many selfies as I could within the time frame that we had. Eventually Shayla and I took a huge group selfie with the fans which I later posted on my social media.

"Damn, that was crazy." Shayla exclaims since she was getting a lot of attention back there. "I don't usually have the paparazzi trying to get in on me too. They were asking about Les and I was like huhhh."

I pat her shoulder.

"Well you deserve yours, you are really successful and it's about time that the paps paid you some notice even though we don't really like them." I comment and she smiles at me.

"But they do take some bombass pictures." She responds and I agree with her. Once our taxi stops outside of the studio we smile for the paparazzi before walking inside, luckily they had some security there to help us through.

"What song will you be performing?" Shayla asks after I thank the woman who escorted us to where we will be filming, I have to rehearse first of course before the real thing is officially filmed.

"From my album I will be singing Kodak then I will be covering God is a Woman by Kandice Kardashian." I answer as I do some vocal warm ups while waiting on he band to arrive.

"That's cool cause you don't really perform Kodak." She comments and I nod my head in agreement.

"Exactly, my album is a visual album it's not like I have a few singles like I'm treating it. I was originally going to do La Reina but I feel as if I've overplayed it, you know. It's like ok I get it."

"I get you because when you have events that's the song that you always use as an entrance." I laugh at this.

"You would think that I'm a WWE wrestler with La Reina as my entrance song." Within seconds of me saying that the door opens, the band pours in along with Nick Grimshaw.

"Hey you." He says as we hug, I give him a million dollar store. "You guys are both stunning."

He goes to hug Shayla so I greet the band who are super chill and I know that we are going to have a good time.

"One of your managers aka the greatest, Jennifer Lopez," I laugh at his reaction, "explained your schedule to me which is why you had to come in quite late today so the radio interview will take place tomorrow morning at 10."

I nod my head, pleased with that.

"Since Shayla is here, we were wondering if you would also like to join at some point. It's not everyday that we get the coolest best friends in Hollywood up here. If you are interested and if Luxury doesn't mind then we would be down to have you on the show as well." Nick explains and I wink at Shayla who begins to turn red.

"I'll jump in at some point." She responds after a minute. Nick then goes on to explain a few more things as well as topics to be avoided and whatnot. Before he left I did ask why he came to talk to us as opposed to a producer, he explained that he just liked us.

 I spend the next two hours rehearsing the songs because I've never performed God is a Woman, we obviously have to add our own twist to the songs that we cover. It took sometime trying to get it in a key that I felt comfortable with but after an hour of that it was great. When it came to the point when we had to film, after a break, Shayla had to go behind the glass window.


I see your life through the Kodak

I got you caught and lost in Kodak

Didn't wanna see the truth but I got you

Don't wanna see this footage leak then you better follow the rules

Cause never mess with a queen 

Cause you don't know what she might do 

with that Kodak

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