Chapter 4

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My eyelids flutter open, letting all of the sunlight seep in. I smile and turn over. The mattress is warm from where Josh lay last night. I then feel my eyes dampen and I cry. my eyes swim in their sockets, refusing to come out for air. How do I deserve Josh? I am ugly, fat and twisted. Josh could be with any girl he wanted. Why me? I lay there for about an hour, and stagger out of bed. Josh left a note saying he had to leave to go to set. I glance at the time. I am twenty minutes late!

I grab some black Chuck Taylor's I found of Josh's that were my size, and power walk up to set.

Josh has just finished filming his scene with Woody. As Francis yells "Cut!", he notices me.

"Jen where have you been?" Francis asks.

I shrug and wander over to Josh. He is talking to Sam, about why America is better than England. I walk inbetween both of them, causing the conversation to cease.

"Hey Jennykins," they both say in unison.

"Typical Jen" Sam remarks, noticing my outfit.

"Sorry about being late..." I apologise.

"Don't worry," Josh chips in.

I rush over to hair and makeup. My stylist, Kat, rushes over to me as I walk into the trailer.

"Where have you been?" Almost everyone in the trailer remarks.

After several hours of filming, I head to my trailer. Josh grabs my hand, and intertwined his fingers into mine.

"Pizza night?" He asks.

I shake my head.

"Jen, what's wrong? There is something wrong if you reject pizza."

I shrug.

"You want to tell me everything in your trailer?"

"There's nothing to say. But ye, we can go back to my trailer." I speak up.

When we get to my trailer I pick up my iPhone 5s and see I have got a message from Nick. We broke up months ago.


I walk into my bedroom to find Nick say there, silently staring at me.

"Hi," I say, slightly worried as to why he is glaring at me"

"You slut" He snarls,

I'm confused

"Is this true, You and Bradley Cooper?"

"No" I stammer

It's true there is nothing going in between me and Bradley. Although the paparazzi think different. He walks towards me, but u don't back down. I need to stand my ground.

"I thought love was about trust and respect, but it clearly isn't the case with you." I continue

I look him up and down. He is really close now. He slaps me hard around the face, so I slap him twice as hard back. He pulls at my hair as I fall to the floor. He drags me onto the bed by my hair and attempts to take off my clothes.

"If you love me, why haven't we ever made love?" he yells.

He pins me down onto the bed. All I can do is cry and shriek. The first natural thing to do is get out of this mess I can't. I flick up my feet, kicking him in the crotch. He howls and loosens his grip on me. I break free.


The message says: I need to see you.

I drop my phone, making in crash and crumble. I don't care. I never want to speak to him again.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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